Pond Boss
Posted By: CJBS2003 10,000 in almost record time! - 04/30/14 08:49 PM
It's hard to believe I have been on this forum over 5 years now and have made 10,000 posts. Dwight, can you run the numbers again and give me a post per day average? This forum truly is an amazing place because of the amazing members. The amount of knowledge and the fact that members are so willing to share that knowledge so freely is a rare combination.

I have literally grown up on here. From posting my excitement of getting engaged to my now wife, all the way to recently posting about the birth of my second daughter. Pond Boss is a family.

I first want to thank Bob Lusk for allowing this place to exist. Without Pond Boss I would not have met some of the people I consider close friends and I wouldn't be able to hopefully meet many more of you.

I have learned so much from so many on here and hopefully have shared a little bit of the knowledge I have with others as well. I also want to thank Eric West, who is without a doubt one of the truly decent people out there. I want to thank Bill Cody who keeps me in line and is always willing to talk forage fish. I also want to thank other forum members like Cecil Baird, TJ Hudson, Bruce Condello and Nate Herman who have such a passion for their ponds and fish. The things they have done with their ponds and will continue to do is amazing.

I also want to thank the moderators. You all do an often unseen job and a thankless one. So to you and all the forum members on here, thanks!
Posted By: Shorty Re: 10,000 in almost record time! - 04/30/14 09:19 PM
I would just like to say thank you CJ for your thoughtful posts since you have been here. You have been a great contributor of information to many. smile


PS - I still believe RES "graze" during the daytime and then become veracious small fish "predators" once the sun goes down. grin
Posted By: ewest Re: 10,000 in almost record time! - 05/01/14 02:12 PM
CJ thanks for your kind words but more importantly your willingness to share your time and knowledge. Each of us are much smarter/better with time and input from others. You are a huge part of the learning/teaching source here !! It truly is about the people and friendships formed and shared and the knowledge.
Posted By: RC51 Re: 10,000 in almost record time! - 05/01/14 02:24 PM
Yeah it sure is Eric! 4 years ago I didn't know dink about ponds now I at least know a little and am learning every day!! The other day here at work we got on the subject of ponds and fish and before I knew it I had about 4 or 5 guys listening to everything I was saying. They were all like how did you get to know so much about ponds??

First thing out of my mouth was pondboss.com!!! Second thing was me screwing up on my own pond!! smile

Thanks Everyone for all your help!!

Posted By: RER Re: 10,000 in almost record time! - 05/01/14 02:36 PM
Thank you CJ for all your help with my oddball pond, Your knowledge of species that could help fit my ponds needs have and will continue to be a great help .
Posted By: Dwight Re: 10,000 in almost record time! - 05/01/14 02:56 PM
Approximately 5.2493438 posts per day.
Posted By: Sunil Re: 10,000 in almost record time! - 05/01/14 03:14 PM
Here's to the next 10,000....
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