Pond Boss
Posted By: CJBS2003 A sad day... - 09/18/13 12:17 AM
My father worked at the Navy Yard for 8 years in the very building the nut shot up yesterday and my step sister works there now. Fortunately, she was out of town on a business trip but lost 7 coworkers of hers...

Being in law enforcement, I am very proud of my fellow brothers and sisters in blue who took care of that nut as fast as they could. I saw this article, and thought it hit the nail on the head...

Posted By: Sunil Re: A sad day... - 09/18/13 12:52 AM
Pretty close to home for you then, Travis.
Posted By: catmandoo Re: A sad day... - 09/18/13 01:18 AM
What a mess. I spent a lot of time at the Navy Yard, Crystal City, Suitland, and a few other nearby places in the last 40+ years.

I hope we don't have to resort to what the Israelis were doing when I had to visit their embassy and consulates in this country back in the late 1970s and early 1980s. It involved rubber gloves for most visits. Same in several other places I visited around the Mediterranean in those days.
Posted By: CJBS2003 Re: A sad day... - 09/18/13 01:34 AM
I think doing a quality background check would be a really good start... There were some serious failures in that area amongst others.
Posted By: ewest Re: A sad day... - 09/18/13 02:05 AM
I have found that with humans there are rarely easy answers. To bad some of those co-workers weren't armed - its not so easy to butcher when the sheep shoot back.

The police try and no doubt did their best - above and beyond the call of duty. They will tell you unfortunately that many times when seconds count they are minuets away.
Posted By: liquidsquid Re: A sad day... - 09/18/13 02:16 AM
Ah, Bob Lonsberry. He is a local political talk show host. Pretty good some of the time, aggravating and annoying the rest of the time. A very good heart though, always willing to help others. Very good at stirring people up to get them to call in. Give him a listen, good show though some topics are local to us.

WHAM is a local AM station that has been on the air forever, and one of the originals that broadcast from down the road from me to cover the entire east coast. It is scaled way back now now that AM glory days are over.

Anyhow, the story is shocking and sad. Glad they found and killed the SOB, to bad they didn't get him sooner. I pray for families and friends in this tragedy.
Posted By: Cecil Baird1 Re: A sad day... - 09/18/13 02:51 AM
Originally Posted By: CJBS2003
My father worked at the Navy Yard for 8 years in the very building the nut shot up yesterday and my step sister works there now. Fortunately, she was out of town on a business trip but lost 7 coworkers of hers...

Being in law enforcement, I am very proud of my fellow brothers and sisters in blue who took care of that nut as fast as they could. I saw this article, and thought it hit the nail on the head...


How did that POS get an honorable discharge after all the trouble he was in in the Navy Reserves? Also a security clearance? Someone really dropped the ball on this one causing people to loose their lives.
Posted By: Cecil Baird1 Re: A sad day... - 09/18/13 02:52 AM
Originally Posted By: CJBS2003
I think doing a quality background check would be a really good start... There were some serious failures in that area amongst others.

That's what happens when the military contracts out too much stuff. My sentiments exactly. The government probably paid through the nose for the service and got terrible quality.
Posted By: Cecil Baird1 Re: A sad day... - 09/18/13 02:57 AM
Originally Posted By: ewest
I have found that with humans there are rarely easy answers.

I'm Occams razor kind of guy.


To me two words explains the shooter's behavior: Mental Illness.
Posted By: John Wann Re: A sad day... - 09/18/13 06:55 AM
The sooner America realizes there will be evil no matter the laws the better We The People will be. Its all very sad. Gun free zones do not work. CJ thank The Lord your sister did not have to go through that. She will have to return to the aftermath. I don't even know what to say.
Posted By: CJBS2003 Re: A sad day... - 09/18/13 12:39 PM
I talked to a US Park Police Officer today at work who responded to the shooting. Some horrible carnage he described. Mental illness is such a sad thing and when ignored and not acted on, this is what happens.
Posted By: Yellow Jacket Re: A sad day... - 09/18/13 12:44 PM
Originally Posted By: ewest

To bad some of those co-workers weren't armed - its not so easy to butcher when the sheep shoot back.


I think the law banning weapons on base is Clinton era. For the life of me, I cannot understand why 'gun free zones' make sense to anyone.
Posted By: dlowrance Re: A sad day... - 09/18/13 01:00 PM
Originally Posted By: Cecil Baird1

How did that POS get an honorable discharge after all the trouble he was in in the Navy Reserves? Also a security clearance? Someone really dropped the ball on this one causing people to loose their lives.

Because thanks to our kinder gentler society (which defines and/or encourages the policies and enforcement for US Military) where it's no longer politically correct to actually punish/correct/label/enforce as it was years ago, it's damn near impossible to get a Dishonorable Discharge or even an OTH these days.

I have first hand experience with this back in the late 90's as a senior PO in the Navy. I had junior enlisted that IMHO there was no doubt at all should have gotten a DD but more political heads prevailed. Which is why I'm not still active duty. When politics and the desire to CYA trumps the defined regulations as well as common sense it's time for a change.

Very sad set of events and kudos to those LEO's involved for putting down the gunman.
Posted By: RC51 Re: A sad day... - 09/18/13 01:59 PM
Maybe these places that are quote "gun free" need to have a couple of first reponders? Just like for health issues you have a couple of folks that are first responders to aid the person having a heart attact or if they cut themselves real bad?? You could have a couple of folks that were willing to be first responders (trained) with a weapon in case something like this happens? It would be better than no one having any weapon at all and just watching people die one after another.....

It really is sad! Kiss your husband or wife good bye before they go to work only to never talk to them ever again.... frown

At least with a couple of first responders maybe only a few would have died or none instead of so many!!!

Prayers for everyone for sure!

Posted By: Cecil Baird1 Re: A sad day... - 09/19/13 01:22 AM
Originally Posted By: CJBS2003
I talked to a US Park Police Officer today at work who responded to the shooting. Some horrible carnage he described. Mental illness is such a sad thing and when ignored and not acted on, this is what happens.

I'm hearing now he asked for help from the VA hospital but was denied. If that's true some heads need to roll.
Posted By: adirondack pond Re: A sad day... - 09/19/13 01:38 AM
American (9MM) Express, Don't leave home without it!!! frown
Posted By: mpc Re: A sad day... - 09/19/13 01:42 AM
I have and will continue to pray for all the loss and the officers/and military who have to deal with this kind of tragedy. I will pray for some comfort now and peace for the future. At least no more time or resources will be wasted on the perpetrator.
Posted By: Dave Davidson1 Re: A sad day... - 09/19/13 10:41 AM
Cecil, the VA has always been an atrocity.

Every time someone tells me "Thank you for your service." I tell them thanks but to call their Senators and Representative and tell them to straighten out the VA.

Gotta be careful here. My thoughts could get me moderated and maybe even banned.
Posted By: Dudley Landry Re: A sad day... - 09/19/13 01:32 PM
Moderated or banned? More probably imprisoned.
Posted By: Cecil Baird1 Re: A sad day... - 09/19/13 01:43 PM
Originally Posted By: Dave Davidson1
Cecil, the VA has always been an atrocity.

Every time someone tells me "Thank you for your service." I tell them thanks but to call their Senators and Representative and tell them to straighten out the VA.

Gotta be careful here. My thoughts could get me moderated and maybe even banned.


As a veteran you are preaching to the choir. My dad uses them for a hearing aid and minor care but won't go for anything more extensive. Even though I am technically a veteran I don't think I can use their services as I was not active duty.

That said it's not all bad. There are some good people and services there too.
Posted By: Cecil Baird1 Re: A sad day... - 09/19/13 01:44 PM
Originally Posted By: Dudley Landry
Moderated or banned? More probably imprisoned.

Posted By: ewest Re: A sad day... - 09/19/13 02:00 PM
Time to tone this down.

We are all saddened and frustrated by horrible acts like this. Truth is we don't have all the facts and very few answers. It does no good to start pointing fingers and casting blame or calling names here - leave that to TV commentators who know it all and have all the easy answers. Interactions between people are complex and not often simple but yet we have to make quick judgments sometimes. In the end the only person we have control over is our self. Guard that closely and be prepared. Freedom is the best answer and it is never free of cost. Many have given their all so we can be free - honor them !
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