Pond Boss
Posted By: Anna Crossing the BIG Pond today. - 11/02/09 12:30 PM
I'm leaving for the airport in 2 hours. I'm packed and ready to go. I don't actually leave the country until 7:40 tonight from JFK, so will have email and internet access until then.

I've got Mason all squared away. I have a charge account at a local vet if he needs anything and my store manager will make sure he has all the food and treats he could ever want.

Thanks everyone for all you have done. Rainman has my email address if anyone needs me while I'm gone.

I get back in on the 17th at about 10 pm.

I'll post from Berlin as soon as possible. Have a great week!
Posted By: jims place Re: Crossing the BIG Pond today. - 11/02/09 01:12 PM
Have fun and eat some Stiglmeier Bierkugel (Beer Sausage)
for me
Posted By: ewest Re: Crossing the BIG Pond today. - 11/02/09 02:21 PM
Have a good and safe trip Anna. While you are there see if there are any good ponds around to go with the beer and knockwurst ?

Hey jims place - I like the pic of Mason the Miracle Hound. \:\)
Posted By: esshup Re: Crossing the BIG Pond today. - 11/02/09 03:24 PM
Have a good time on the trip! Take lots of pictures so we can be on vacation as well.
Posted By: Rainman Re: Crossing the BIG Pond today. - 11/02/09 03:48 PM
 Originally Posted By: Anna

I've got Mason all squared away. I have a charge account at a local vet if he needs anything and my store manager will make sure he has all the food and treats he could ever want.

What about MY groceries? I'm still a growing boy, even if it is out instead of up!
Posted By: esshup Re: Crossing the BIG Pond today. - 11/02/09 03:50 PM
I'll have some for you when I meet you on I-70! Just keep Mason (that goes for you as well!) out of the ones that you'll be delivering.
Posted By: Rainman Re: Crossing the BIG Pond today. - 11/02/09 06:47 PM
Scott, I'll make darn sure the sticks get judged EXACTLY like all the others before have by Sunil!

Posted By: Cecil Baird1 Re: Crossing the BIG Pond today. - 11/03/09 02:22 AM
Warum gehen Anna auf Deutshland? Weiss Jemand?
Posted By: esshup Re: Crossing the BIG Pond today. - 11/03/09 02:23 AM
Sunnil won't be happy when he finally figures out what he's been missing!!!
Posted By: burgermeister Re: Crossing the BIG Pond today. - 11/03/09 02:50 AM
I'm leaving for the airport in 2 hours. I'm packed and ready to go. I don't actually leave the country until 7:40 tonight from JFK, so will have email and internet access until then.

Another one hopelessly hooked on Pond Boss.
Posted By: hang_loose Re: Crossing the BIG Pond today. - 11/03/09 07:14 AM
Anna, hopefully you'll be back to give Mason a good send off. I talked to Rainman today and we're getting a game plan down.

Have a good and a safe trip.

Hang_loose \:\) \:\)
Posted By: Brettski Re: Crossing the BIG Pond today. - 11/03/09 11:42 AM
 Originally Posted By: burgermeister
I'm leaving for the airport in 2 hours. I'm packed and ready to go. I don't actually leave the country until 7:40 tonight from JFK, so will have email and internet access until then.

Another one hopelessly hooked on Pond Boss.

tweet police
Posted By: Anna Re: Crossing the BIG Pond today. - 11/03/09 03:17 PM
Talk about the trip from HELL. First Delta bumped me off the flight from Atlanta to JFK and JFK to Berlin and tried to route me through Paris, then after spending two hours getting the flights fixed we arrived in Atlanta and I had to get a seat assignment from the agent at the gate. He proceeds to tell me that he can only seat my mother (who is terminally ill and unable to travel alone) and I together if she gives up her wheelchair. Well, to make a long story short, she ended up on the floor of the jetway as we were boarding. Nothing seriously injured other than her pride. Then we had a mad dash through JFK... Delta is going to hear from me and it's not going to be nice.

Got to Berlin at 9 am this morning. I'm at Starbucks on Schloss Strasse in Berlin-Steglitz now. It's 4:15 in the afternoon.

Saturday my brother and I are going to attend the 20th anniversary celebration at the Brandenburg Gate, commemorating 20 years since the wall came down. It's going to be an exciting day. I can remember driving through Checkpoint Charlie as a child long before the wall came down. It was terrifying.

Anyway, we made it in one piece, thanks for the sendoff. I'll try to get some pictures and post them later in the week.

And yes, I confess I am addicted to PB!! \:\)
Posted By: Anna Re: Crossing the BIG Pond today. - 11/03/09 03:20 PM
Warum gehen Anna auf Deutshland? Weiss Jemand?

Ich bin nach Berlin geflogen, um die Stadt mit meiner Mutter zu besuchen. Als Mutti ein kind war, hat sie in Berlin gewohnt. Mutti wollte eine Reise mit der ganzen Familie nach Berlin machen. Deswegens haben wir Gestern nach Berlin geflogen.
Posted By: squeeky Re: Crossing the BIG Pond today. - 11/03/09 04:05 PM
Translation : I flew to Berlin to visit the city with my mother. When my mother was a child, she lived in Berlin. Mom wanted to take the trip with the whole family to Berlin - that's the reason that we flew to Berlin yesterday.
Posted By: ceadmin Re: Crossing the BIG Pond today. - 11/03/09 04:34 PM
Eat some Speghetti Eis for me. Love that stuff plus the german mustard on any kind of brat.
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