Pond Boss
Posted By: heybud Psychology of owning a pond - 04/30/08 12:53 PM
I was wondering how people feel about pond ownership in relation to other pond owners. Do people with big ponds feel superior to people with small ponds, even if it is subconsciously? Do small pond owners have an inferiority complex? Do people inflate the size of their pond to feel better or impress others? We know that people have different feelings about certain kinds of fish and people who grow them. Do people with multiple ponds have a different perception of single pond owners? Now that I'm a single pond owner, I know I feel different. Is there some kind of "pecking order" in pond ownership. Do older pond owners feel superior to newbies? Owning a pond has to affect us somehow. Come on let us know how you "really" feel.
Posted By: Sunil Re: Psychology of owning a pond - 04/30/08 01:31 PM
I want to take this opportunity to plead the 5th Amendment.

Also, I have no recollection of that, Senator.
Posted By: rmedgar Re: Psychology of owning a pond - 04/30/08 01:40 PM
When I call my 1A pond a "lake" and then correct myself and say "pond", I feel the same as when I am asked if any Presidents have come from Georgia and I say "no' and then have to correct myself and say "oh yeah there was one - JC".
Is this normal?
Posted By: ewest Re: Psychology of owning a pond - 04/30/08 01:59 PM
All ponds are like good friends. It does not matter if your friend is 5'2 or 6'8 - fat or skinny - blond or brown haired - they are your good friend and that is enough. If you have a good friend you are lucky - if you have more than one respect your blessings. No boasting about good fortune as there will always be greater and lesser people than each of us no matter what and fortune has a way of turning on those who don't respect the fickle nature of their good luck. \:\)
Posted By: catmandoo Re: Psychology of owning a pond - 04/30/08 02:06 PM
 Originally Posted By: heybud
I was wondering how people feel about pond ownership in relation to other pond owners. Do people with big ponds feel superior to people with small ponds, even if it is subconsciously? Do small pond owners have an inferiority complex? Do people inflate the size of their pond to feel better or impress others? We know that people have different feelings about certain kinds of fish and people who grow them. Do people with multiple ponds have a different perception of single pond owners? Now that I'm a single pond owner, I know I feel different. Is there some kind of "pecking order" in pond ownership. Do older pond owners feel superior to newbies? Owning a pond has to affect us somehow. Come on let us know how you "really" feel.

I think that from Bob Lusk, on down through the moderators and more active members, this site has set an incredible and contagious welcoming atmosphere to everyone.

I probably have one of the smaller ponds, but because of all the assistance I've gotten here I feel that have a dream fishery.

Do I feel superior to others because of my successes -- no. I really want to be able to give back to others the kind of help I've received.

Do I feel inferior to others because of their ponds and fisheries -- no. We haven't heard from Meadowlark for a while, but wow, would I love to live like him, and many more on this website. But, I sure don't feel inferior, or even envious.

The only thing that kind of scrapes me the wrong way are articles I see in magazines (even a few in PB) about the wealthy and famous who flaunt what they have done -- but all has been done with unlimited funds through the use hired help and experts. They usually don't know a perch from a trout. And, they take all the credit for these beautiful ponds, farms, etc.

But, I feel secure in my pondhood.

Good fishn'
Posted By: LUSKFAN Re: Psychology of owning a pond - 04/30/08 02:07 PM
Well said ewest........VERY well said!
Posted By: Dave Davidson1 Re: Psychology of owning a pond - 04/30/08 02:25 PM
I feel envious of the guys with the 10+ acre lakes and wish Cheyenne19 would adopt me.

The other side of the coin: I do not envy the guys with big water when they get bass crowded or out of balance in any way. Then, eliminating hundreds of pounds of bass can turn into frustratingly hard work and/or expense.

My biggest envy is for those who live where there is adequate rainfall.

Feel superior? Not with my screw ups; uh, I mean experiments. I'm mostly a student who fails a lot of pop tests.
Posted By: TOM G Re: Psychology of owning a pond - 04/30/08 02:27 PM
EwestI agree well said
Cat,Icouldnt agree more.I have a pond that is smaller than most also but,I,like many if not most here,have limited funds and more hours than I care to admit invested in it.Im proud of my accompishments so far.
On another note,when I see the pond or lake that you mention that was built when money was no object and the owner doesnt know fish from chicken Im just not impressed.
Posted By: Brettski Re: Psychology of owning a pond - 04/30/08 02:30 PM
it's not how big it is....it's how you use it
Posted By: Dwight Re: Psychology of owning a pond - 04/30/08 02:42 PM
I bask in the glow of my many blessings pond and otherwise. I feel not superior nor inferior. I'm a tiny blip in the universe. I simply go about enjoying each and every day God gives me to the fullest. \:\)
Posted By: Theo Gallus Re: Psychology of owning a pond - 04/30/08 03:25 PM
 Originally Posted By: Brettski
it's not how big it is....it's how you use it

Absolutely, Brettski. And while your pond may be bigger than mine, I've used mine more. :P

I don't feel superior/inferior because of size. Once in a great while I get a little envious over climate differences - some PMs can have year-round trout or more months of Tilapia forage than me - but it seems kind of foolish to waste much time complaining about geographical differences. I like where I live and 99% of the time I am very happy with the kinds of fish I can raise here.
Posted By: george1 Re: Psychology of owning a pond - 04/30/08 04:09 PM
 Originally Posted By: Dwight
I bask in the glow of my many blessings pond and otherwise. I feel not superior nor inferior. I'm a tiny blip in the universe. I simply go about enjoying each and every day God gives me to the fullest. \:\)

Well said Dwight...!!!!
Posted By: Jersey Re: Psychology of owning a pond - 04/30/08 05:42 PM
Reminds me of a discussion a couple years back, what's the difference between a pond and a lake? A pond is anything smaller than mine, a lake is anything bigger.

I remember whan my "lake" was 100' in diameter.

The important thing is just to have a body of water to live beside.
Posted By: WaterWizard Re: Psychology of owning a pond - 04/30/08 07:48 PM
My pond is the Pacific Ocean. I don't feel superior, just lucky.
Posted By: csmith Re: Psychology of owning a pond - 04/30/08 09:37 PM
I'm envious of anyone who can get to their pond or lake by foot, bicycle or UTV. That is folks who live where the pond is located.
Posted By: FattyMcButterpants Re: Psychology of owning a pond - 04/30/08 10:42 PM
I am envious of those people that live on their pond. I wish I could take a walk to my pond from my front porch, but bummer I have to drive 80-90 minutes to get to mine. But as far as size and inferior, Nope. All the guys on here seem to have different skills but all have the same love for our ponds.
Posted By: MarkECIN Re: Psychology of owning a pond - 04/30/08 11:09 PM
Well said, Ewest! There will always be better and lessor--how true. One thing for certain, I know that I am very proud of what my hubby and I have accomplished with our, yes, small pond with the help of your site, other readers, clinics, etc--there is a wealth of information to be had. I read, I listened, I learned, and I followed instructions that were tried and true--and we put a lot of sweat in it. We don't have unlimited funds ....and yes, there are still and always things we want to do to the pond... But, the joy in what we have done is the ultimate achievement and WE ARE HAVING SO MUCH FUN FISHIN'.
***Gotta Go -- the Big One is Waiting for Me to Catch Him!***
Posted By: bobad Re: Psychology of owning a pond - 05/01/08 12:34 PM
Life's too short to worry about whose pond is bigger or better. I'm just grateful I'm lucky enough to own one. I spend my hours worrying about whether I'm doing my best for the critters that live in and around my pond.
Posted By: jeffhasapond Re: Psychology of owning a pond - 05/01/08 03:55 PM
 Originally Posted By: heybud
Come on let us know how you "really" feel.

You want the truth, you can't handle the truth!

Great thread Heybud.

I use to feel envy over the 10+ acre ponds posted here. And then I tried to manage my 3 acre fish hole. Now I'm greatful that my pond is the size it is. After buying the chemicals to treat elodea for 3 acres (slightly over $1,000) I'm now greatful that I don't have 10 acres of elodea filled water.

I was welcomed on Pond Boss from day one (probably because no one knew what a thorn in the side that I would become). No one ever made me feel bad that I only have one pond and that it was not huge or that I had too many trees around the pond or that I had a plethora (I like that word, I could have said "a lot", "a multitide", "an overabundance" but plethora sounds so regal) anyhoo, a plethora of GSF.

Wait a minute, come to think of it I did catch grief for the GSF. And that grief made me realize that yes, I am superior, I may not have a better pond, it may not be bigger, it may not be prettier, but as Brettski put it, it's all in how you use it. And I use my pond to raise the glorius GSF. I now know that I am in fact a superior pond meister to be honored with the presence of this wonderful species. I feel pity for those that don't know this wonderful fish. I am on the path to glory and greatness for defending this pinacle of sunfish evolution. Can I get an AMEN!

You now may return to your regularily scheduled programming.
Posted By: ewest Re: Psychology of owning a pond - 05/02/08 01:56 AM
You can have mine ! \:D
Posted By: dave in el dorado ca Re: Psychology of owning a pond - 05/02/08 01:57 AM
amen brother \:D \:D \:D
Posted By: heybud Re: Psychology of owning a pond - 05/02/08 02:17 AM
Amen , Amen, Amen Bro
Posted By: Rad Re: Psychology of owning a pond - 05/02/08 02:23 AM
In a way I think I envy all of you, I read about the things that you have done and see the pictures of your work and it is always impressive.
Then there are the contributions to others that you make, if there is one psychological thread that runs through pond owners it is that, based on my personal experience.
Good thread heybud.
Posted By: heybud Re: Psychology of owning a pond - 05/02/08 02:45 AM

Rad, Your insight is always right on. My original post was designed to enlist both serious and tongue-in-cheek responses. No matter how we feel about our ponds or other's ponds, on this forum we are all in the same boat, so to speak. We have gathered here to help each other do our best to manage and enjoy our ponds. I do feel a little different since I sold Zephyr but not because I feel inferior or superior but because I felt I was blessed to own two ponds at one time. I still feel a loss and will always have good memories for Zephyr. Thanks to all for your honest opinions. GSA rocks!
Posted By: jeffhasapond Re: Psychology of owning a pond - 05/02/08 01:02 PM
 Originally Posted By: Rad
In a way I think I envy all of you, I read about the things that you have done and see the pictures of your work and it is always impressive.

Don't sell yourself short there Rad, we've seen photos of your place as well, multiple ponds, exotic fish species, tourist cottages in the works. You have quite an operation going on over there.
Posted By: jeffhasapond Re: Psychology of owning a pond - 05/02/08 01:04 PM
 Originally Posted By: heybud
GSA rocks!

Yes, yes we do. (Except of course when the corporate 8-track player broke, an event that Sunil will never let us forget).
Posted By: TOM G Re: Psychology of owning a pond - 05/02/08 01:15 PM
Someone has to be the one to say it.................................................................................and since everyone else is too chicken I guess Ill do it....................................................................................................................................................................My pond can beat up your pond \:D \:D \:D
Posted By: ewest Re: Psychology of owning a pond - 05/02/08 01:20 PM
Rad you have an outstanding place and have succeeded in a location and under conditions that none of us face - and with no one to provide local guidance. I would say that is an over-the-top accomplishment.

Your post was as good as your ponds.

Heybud - time to start planning another project/pond ?
Posted By: jeffhasapond Re: Psychology of owning a pond - 05/02/08 01:36 PM
 Originally Posted By: TOM G
My pond can beat up your pond.

Yea well DIED's pond can take your pond with one diffuser tied behind it's back.
Posted By: Dave Davidson1 Re: Psychology of owning a pond - 05/05/08 01:11 AM
Rad, your pond makes me want to drag mine out in the road and chunk rocks at it.
Posted By: Rad Re: Psychology of owning a pond - 05/05/08 06:28 AM
ewest, you give me way to much credit, ignorance and mother nature are the real stars.

DD, you haven't seen the new one then, it looks as if some one already did that. This is the wettest hot season I have seen, the island/shoal went under water last night, around 2 meters(80") of water. We have stopped all projects, just can't walk around in the wet clay. The pile driver has not been back in almost two weeks and the builder took a look yesterday and just chuckled.

And, the wet season starts in a couple of weeks. Never a dull moment, always a new adventure.

The remains of a cyclone are passing today.
Posted By: Dave Davidson1 Re: Psychology of owning a pond - 05/05/08 09:10 AM
Rad, last year we had a lot of rain, record rains, during our hot season. And then it ended. At this time, one water hole is 3 ft low and the other is 4 ft down. And summer is coming.

Like you, I put off a lot of projects last year. Now, I may put them off for a different but familiar reason.
Posted By: Rad Re: Psychology of owning a pond - 05/06/08 12:43 AM

I sit there in the afternoon, when things are cooling down, with a cold beer, surveying my accomplishments and thinking about what I will do tomorrow. I do this mostly to avoid thinking about what I didn't do today.

It always seems to amaze me, the number of things of which I have no or little control.

Not just the weather but things like time and money, the only thing that seems to go faster than time is money. And of course, people, they seem to have a miind of their own.

Just keep on truckin, I guess.

Full sun, almost cloudless day, today, 10 more of these (in a row) and we are back on track!
Posted By: Brett295 Re: Psychology of owning a pond - 05/13/08 04:03 PM
I envy people that have a pond or lake that they can manage however they want. I have to deal with a lady that thinks the aerator will shock her children, people that treat bass like pets (I have to smuggle the 11 inch overcrowded population out of the lake). A neighbor that stocks the lake with fish from a greedy fish farm (They actualy suggested stocking SMB in a LMB pond) So, If you do not have to deal with crazy neighbors consider yourself lucky.

Other than that I feel luck to have a place to watch fish, Fish, and implement some of the management strategies I have learned.

Sorry for the rant.
Posted By: jeffhasapond Re: Psychology of owning a pond - 05/14/08 02:48 PM
That was only a minor rant Brett, so no need to apologize.
Posted By: Theo Gallus Re: Psychology of owning a pond - 05/14/08 03:31 PM
Abnormal Psychology of Owning a Pond:

First pond: Fearing an outbreak of snail-born parasites, you stock RES to eat the snails.

Second pond: Fearing your RES will not have enough to eat, you stock snails.
Posted By: TOM G Re: Psychology of owning a pond - 05/14/08 03:43 PM
Sounds pretty normal to me.Abnormal...fear...psyco...yep,must be a pond owner
Posted By: Brett295 Re: Psychology of owning a pond - 05/15/08 05:17 PM
Does anyone else dream all day about what they could do to their pond? My wife thinks I'm obsessed. I think the psychology of owning a pond no matter how big is obsession.
Posted By: TOM G Re: Psychology of owning a pond - 05/15/08 06:10 PM
My wife just thinks Im nuts.(And shes probably right too) \:o
Posted By: jeffhasapond Re: Psychology of owning a pond - 05/15/08 07:36 PM
"Sell crazy somewhere else, we're all stocked up here."
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