Pond Boss
Posted By: beezaboy Waterdogs aka Tiger Salamanders for forage? - 04/16/11 10:26 PM
I was fishing lake fork a couple weeks ago and I saw some people fishing with these live salamanders. They were about 6-10 inches long and they say that the bass love them. I was thinking about maybe getting about 200 of them to put in my smallest pond as forage for the big LMB. Any idea if that is a good/bad idea?
Water dogs are a great fish food. Everything eats them. I doubt that they would last long with big predators around.
where would you get that many from?
I can get them at the bait shop but they sure will set you back a few bucks.
There was only one event where I saw that you could get enough of these to make a difference. There was one night where the ground seemed like it was moving. And it was full of these salamanders.
ah i see you can't get them around here like that i was just wondering.how much do they usually cost?
That was a once in a 50 year event.
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