Pond Boss
Posted By: Eric Whats with all the Rain in Texas - 06/27/07 10:58 AM
Every morning I look on the weather site to see if we are going to get any MUCH needed rain. Every day all I see is Big and Nasty rain storms dancing around Texas. Now I am very happy for the folks down in Texas due to the past few years of Droughts. But it seems this year Texas has almost gone from Drought central to a Tropical Rain Forest Climate.

I am all for that and say way to go. However it is just very curious as to whats happening to the weather patterns in recent years. Up here in Western NY we have been seeing summer much sooner (April and May we had 90 degree days ) It seems our seasons have shifted by a few months and that the rain/snow patterns have shifted away from our region.

With our area having seasonal shifts and Texas looking like a rain forest, I say strange stuff going on. Strange Stuff!!!
Posted By: new_water_ways Re: Whats with all the Rain in Texas - 06/27/07 12:06 PM
Haven't you heard of "Global Warming"?

Personaly I don't really think that is the problem, if you look through history the Earth has had many climate changes in its life time.
Here in Missouri we have been having some strange weather. It would be nice if the guys with the weather machine would spread it a little more even. ;\)
Posted By: Eric Re: Whats with all the Rain in Texas - 06/27/07 12:14 PM
Yeah I understand that the earth is going through some changes in its natural cycle, I just thought that it was interesting that last year record drought for Texas and great rains here in the NE and this year they are a tropical rain forest and we are a dust bowl. \:\(
Posted By: bobad Re: Whats with all the Rain in Texas - 06/27/07 12:29 PM
Here in Louisiana, we actually had a spring this year. We usually jump from winter straight into summer with little spring weather to speak of. This year, April and May were nice and cool. We've had plenty of rain too, but nothing like TX. My pond is 2" over full, the highest it's ever been. I wouldn't change anything about the weather pattern this year. The only bad news is that it has caused a lot of extra grass mowing.
Posted By: Tom F Re: Whats with all the Rain in Texas - 06/27/07 12:50 PM
Indiana had the driest spring in the past fifteen years this year.
Posted By: Eric Re: Whats with all the Rain in Texas - 06/27/07 01:00 PM
Up in Upsate NY we have had the driest Spring in recorded History. We also have had some of the earliest and most prolonged warm weather in History. We are already over 15 days at or above 90 degrees. We normally only have 4 days all summer that high. Yesterday was 95 and it is only the 4th warmest day so far this season. We have already been up to 98 degrees during spring.
Posted By: BarO Re: Whats with all the Rain in Texas - 06/27/07 01:06 PM
I have been keeping a log for the last 2 years after experiencing a severe drought in '05. When we received 6+ inches in December of '06, the 2006 total was 34.4". As of last night, this year we have received 37.85", with 14" falling in the last 2 months. More on the way today........
Posted By: ewest Re: Whats with all the Rain in Texas - 06/27/07 01:17 PM
We are at 50% of normal rain (- 16 inches) with below avg temps. Eric your temps are higher than ours and so are a lot of the mid-west. Our normal rain is hung up in Tex. (upper level low stuck over Okla. blocked from moving east by a Bermuda high stuck over Fla. pan-handle).
Posted By: Eric Re: Whats with all the Rain in Texas - 06/27/07 01:28 PM
We have been geting a strange pattern where the cooler air from Canada sits just above us and does not let the moisture down from that area. We also see the High front from down south just stays below us and thus both keep each otehr at bay and we see no moisture. All we seem to get is the heat!!
Posted By: salth2ocowboy Re: Whats with all the Rain in Texas - 06/27/07 01:46 PM
I worry for you all in Texas you have truly had some of the wrath of God type of weather! But I could stand some of your surplus rain as we have been 45 days with out so much as a drop and the pond has dropped 7 feet and it is only June! We are going to install a well but will not have it until September! I hope all is well with you and yours.
Posted By: Coach B Re: Whats with all the Rain in Texas - 06/27/07 02:20 PM
Texas floods and we are in a D-4 drought. Funny how weather patterns shift. Nearby Huntsville, Al is over 51 inches short on rainfall since Jan 05! That's over a years worth of rain!
Posted By: TOM G Re: Whats with all the Rain in Texas - 06/27/07 02:20 PM
Ive got it figured out.I put a huge funnel on my shop and Im draining it into my fax machine.As soon as it quits sparking Ill start faxing it to you guys who need water.We got three in last night.
Tom G
Posted By: Dave Davidson1 Re: Whats with all the Rain in Texas - 06/27/07 02:49 PM
I wound up with a little over 4 inches in the last 24 hours in D/FW. More is coming and, to us, it is absolutely useless because the ground can't take anymore. My ponds have overflowed for the first time in 8 years.

The Fort Worth Star Telegram reports that this is the 3rd wettest June on record. We have had, officially, 9.07 inches at D/FW Airport. Lots of places have had more. Several of the years during the 8 year drought, we didn't get over 10 inches in a year. The year before last, I lost 90% of the fish in a one acre pond and had to restock.

Sure wish I could send some of this stuff elsewhere to you guys. We have a very deep appreciation of your drought problems.
Posted By: Ross Baker Re: Whats with all the Rain in Texas - 06/27/07 03:22 PM
Within an hour west of me in Llano and Marble Falls, they are reporting 18" of rain last night. We got a pretty perfect 1.5". We have been very fortunate here; just getting small .5"-1" rains one after another. Austin's main lake, Lake Travis, was reported to have rose 5' in 5 hours last night...that's alot of water!!!
Posted By: Cecil Baird1 Re: Whats with all the Rain in Texas - 06/27/07 03:42 PM
Ir'a Texas man! Haven't you heard Texas does things in a big way?! If it has a drought it's a duzy. But when it gets rain it's a duzy too.

Seriously the country is stuck in a weather pattern that is stalling fronts and precip. When that happens whoever is on the stalling end gets too much and farther east gets none!
Posted By: james holt Re: Whats with all the Rain in Texas - 06/27/07 03:57 PM
I have had water go over my spillway at least two feet deep twice this month. I haven't had any erosion to the dam yet but I am a bit nervous having that much water go over it. Has anyone had a breach in their dam yet? Mike Otto has told me several stories of it occuring, which makes me nervous. Be careful what you pray for because God may be more generous than you anticipate.
Posted By: TOM G Re: Whats with all the Rain in Texas - 06/27/07 06:42 PM
Cecil,in texas the amount of rain you get depends on which side of the yard you place your rain gauge \:D \:D
Tom G
Posted By: ahvatsa Re: Whats with all the Rain in Texas - 06/28/07 12:08 AM
I had a breach in March. It covered entire dam and over 4' on lower side. I panicked and thanks to friends like ewest and Todd I was eased (a little). Covered pier 5-6'. Carried a 3/4" plywood (treated 8x16') tent floor a quarter mi. 5" limestone rock held, lost some roadbase. All in all was NOT nearly as bad as first thought. This was 8" in 6 hrs.
Good luck central Tx. Pond Meisters.
ps Bullheads a problem now! 400 Plus caught/trapped since March!
Posted By: Okie Writer Re: Whats with all the Rain in Texas - 06/28/07 12:43 AM
I am in Oklahoma and we have also been blessed with the rain that Texas is getting! If it has to be one extreme or the other, I'll take the rain!!!

I started another thread about having problems getting our pond built, and this spring and summer a lot of people have said to us, "Too bad you're pond wasn't already done." Personally, I'd rather it fill nice and slow. We will depend on runoff - which we get a lot of - but that also mean silt and (sometimes) trash. I'd have worried about a new dam with this deluge!
Posted By: rockytopper Re: Whats with all the Rain in Texas - 06/28/07 01:31 AM
I guess I'm going to have to leave the forum, I'm no longer a pond boss so I guess I don't really belong here. I think a constant flowing body of water is defined as a river not a pond. I'm a RIVERBOSS now. I'll have to join their message board. It's been fun guys see you down stream.
Posted By: Cecil Baird1 Re: Whats with all the Rain in Texas - 06/28/07 01:34 AM

You get any of those storms that are now in the northeast? We got a good ol' fashioned summmer thunderstorm here today in northern Indiana. It was much needed! Evem got a 5 lb. 8 oz. bass today that an excited 8 year old brought in to mount with his dad. The kid was so excited about catching it he was a regular chatterbox! He's hooked for life and I think I have a regular customer \:D
Posted By: Agent Re: Whats with all the Rain in Texas - 06/28/07 01:57 AM
Weather report:

Drought, with intermittent Floods.

Posted By: Dwight Re: Whats with all the Rain in Texas - 06/28/07 02:00 AM
It is dryer than the proverbial popcorn fart up here. We have had only .41 inches of rain in the last six weeks. \:\(
Posted By: Cecil Baird1 Re: Whats with all the Rain in Texas - 06/28/07 02:20 AM
Originally posted by Dwight:
It is dryer than the proverbial popcorn fart up here. We have had only .41 inches of rain in the last six weeks. \:\(
Lets hope that changes for you soon. \:\)
Posted By: Mike Miller Re: Whats with all the Rain in Texas - 06/28/07 02:25 AM
We get alot of Texas and Oklahoma's left over rain. Got over 8" in 2 hours in May. Seems like it rains at least 2-3 times per week. After last years drought, I won't complain. Wheat harvesters aren't liking it and once they get it cut, they aren't liking results.
Posted By: Cecil Baird1 Re: Whats with all the Rain in Texas - 06/28/07 02:29 AM
Originally posted by Mike Miller:
We get alot of Texas and Oklahoma's left over rain. Got over 8" in 2 hours in May. Seems like it rains at least 2-3 times per week. After last years drought, I won't complain. Wheat harvesters aren't liking it and once they get it cut, they aren't liking results.
I like Mark Twain's quote about the weather: "Everybody complains about the weather but nobody does a damn thing about it!" \:D
Posted By: Dwight Re: Whats with all the Rain in Texas - 06/28/07 02:40 AM
Cecil Baird1 - Did you ever meet Mark Twain? :p
Posted By: okiefish16 Re: Whats with all the Rain in Texas - 06/28/07 02:46 AM
Norman 3.71 4.56 6.80 8.09 18.13 23.77

7day 10day 14day 30day 60day 90day totals

Yesterday we reached the total we had all of 2006. It was the wettest spring by 2"s here in central Oklahoma.
Posted By: Bing Re: Whats with all the Rain in Texas - 06/28/07 02:47 AM
Cecil, I knew Mark Twain, Mark Twain was a friend of mine. Frankly, Cecil, you are no Mark Twain.
Posted By: Cecil Baird1 Re: Whats with all the Rain in Texas - 06/28/07 03:09 AM
Originally posted by Dwight:
Cecil Baird1 - Did you ever meet Mark Twain? :p
No just missed him by about 47 years when I was born! \:D But if I was even one tenth the writer he was I would be ecstatic!
Posted By: Cecil Baird1 Re: Whats with all the Rain in Texas - 06/28/07 03:10 AM
Originally posted by Bing:
Cecil, I knew Mark Twain, Mark Twain was a friend of mine. Frankly, Cecil, you are no Mark Twain.
Is that supposed to be funny or an insult?

I'm familar with Senator Bensen's words to to Dan Quayle but I fail to see the connection.
Posted By: ewest Re: Whats with all the Rain in Texas - 06/28/07 03:33 AM
Bing does that mean you are old as the hills?

Mark Twain (Samuel Langhorne Clemens)
1835-1910 American writer. Mark Twain was born Samuel Langhorne Clemens in Missouri on November 30 ... Mark Twain (Samuel Langhorne Clemens) is one of the most famous writers in American literature.
Posted By: Dave Davidson1 Re: Whats with all the Rain in Texas - 06/28/07 10:54 AM
Rocky, did your dam go?
Posted By: Jersey Re: Whats with all the Rain in Texas - 06/28/07 11:18 AM
We are a foot short on rain in Atlanta.

It's not the global warming that's the problem. It's the humidity!
Posted By: Bing Re: Whats with all the Rain in Texas - 06/28/07 02:12 PM
It was meant to be a joke but apparently missed the mark entirely. No, Cecil I respect your input immensely and meant no insult. I apologize and am very sorry.

Someone once said comedy is serious business and not to be attempted by the amateur. I think I understand what they meant.

Posted By: TOM G Re: Whats with all the Rain in Texas - 06/28/07 02:27 PM
Cecil,I didnt get it either but sit back and relax,you know that nobody insults anybody on this site,everyone is too polite for that.Back to the rain,we got lucky and only got 1/2" out a that shower this morning.Im almost back down to pool
Posted By: ewest Re: Whats with all the Rain in Texas - 06/28/07 04:34 PM
Bing that is ok my attempts at humor are widely interpreted as , that guy is crazy - what is he talking about or is he trying to be funny. That does not stop me from trying though. \:D
Posted By: jeffhasapond Re: Whats with all the Rain in Texas - 06/28/07 05:29 PM
Originally posted by ewest:
Bing that is ok my attempts at humor are widely interpreted as , that guy is crazy - what is he talking about or is he trying to be funny. That does not stop me from trying though. \:D
I resemble that remark!

Dry, dry, dry in California this year also. Two years ago we had surplus rain. Yosemite waterfalls were flowing at an all time high, snow pack was good. Now we're way below normal. Fire season has already been horrible ~ as I write this over 3,000 acres near Lake Tahoe is on fire, thousands evacuated, hundreds of structures destroyed. It's gonna be a long summer....
Posted By: Theo Gallus Re: Whats with all the Rain in Texas - 06/28/07 06:03 PM
Originally posted by Bing:
It was meant to be a joke but apparently missed the mark entirely. No, Cecil I respect your input immensely and meant no insult. I apologize and am very sorry.

Someone once said comedy is serious business and not to be attempted by the amateur. I think I understand what they meant.

Bing: I got it and detected no intended insult.

Cecil: Please spell "potato".
Posted By: new_water_ways Re: Whats with all the Rain in Texas - 06/28/07 07:08 PM
Originally posted by Dave Davidson1:
Rocky, did your dam go?
Posted By: Cecil Baird1 Re: Whats with all the Rain in Texas - 06/28/07 09:41 PM
Originally posted by Bing:
It was meant to be a joke but apparently missed the mark entirely. No, Cecil I respect your input immensely and meant no insult. I apologize and am very sorry.

Someone once said comedy is serious business and not to be attempted by the amateur. I think I understand what they meant.

Sorry I need to chill out I guess. But I have been sniped at on here before for no reason. Fortuantely it's been rare and that person no longer posts here apparently.

Theo we all spell potatoe with an e here. \:D
Posted By: Dave Davidson1 Re: Whats with all the Rain in Texas - 06/29/07 12:24 AM
We spell it s-p-u-d here in Texas.
Posted By: Okie Writer Re: Whats with all the Rain in Texas - 06/29/07 02:39 AM
Originally posted by Dave Davidson1:
We spell it s-p-u-d here in Texas.
Here in Okie-land, we just call 'em TATERS and they must be fried. \:D
Posted By: davatsa Re: Whats with all the Rain in Texas - 06/29/07 03:05 AM
Originally posted by Okie Writer:
Originally posted by Dave Davidson1:
We spell it s-p-u-d here in Texas.
Here in Okie-land, we just call 'em TATERS and they must be fried. \:D
"They call me...Tater Salad. My son, Tater Tot..."
Posted By: rmedgar Re: Whats with all the Rain in Texas - 06/29/07 12:22 PM
"and my wife - aggi tater."
Posted By: Chris Steelman Re: Whats with all the Rain in Texas - 07/20/07 04:54 AM
Here are some pictures of Lake Texoma. It is on the red river. The lake crested 21.7 feet above normal and has every ramp shutdown.

The spillway

This is what 28,000 cfs looks like.

This is Lake Lavon. It is only a few miles from my house. When this picture was taken it was still 9 ft. high.

Lastly, the big fish of the day. \:D

Posted By: Theo Gallus Re: Whats with all the Rain in Texas - 07/20/07 12:37 PM
WOW! High water AND a trophy Morone!
Posted By: burgermeister Re: Whats with all the Rain in Texas - 07/20/07 03:19 PM
It's been a long time since anyone has seen those levels. Lake Livingston is discharging 53,000 cfs, enough to fill my pond in 1.5 seconds. It's just a choice of who get flooded. Folks below the dam are getting flooded now.
Posted By: LakeL Re: Whats with all the Rain in Texas - 07/20/07 03:30 PM
It's not raining everywhere.........my pond in Tyler county east texas.........would love some of that rain!!
Posted By: Kent Re: Whats with all the Rain in Texas - 07/20/07 04:56 PM
I've had enough rain for everyone!!!!We got so much rain on the 4th of July I watched a 6 ft. section of my limestone border (rip-rap size)collapse into my pond from the force of the water hitting it. I have 12" high screens on my spillway and I couldn't see them they were completely under water. I though the water was going to top my levee. I'm real concerned over how many fish I may be losing, This has been happening about once a week. We have not had a normal rain since spring.
Posted By: Bruce Condello Re: Whats with all the Rain in Texas - 07/20/07 04:59 PM
Nice yellow bass, Chris.

How do Acre-feet equate to cubic feet?
Posted By: Chris Steelman Re: Whats with all the Rain in Texas - 07/20/07 05:10 PM
Originally posted by Bruce Condello:

How do Acre-feet equate to cubic feet?
7.48 gal/ cu.ft. * 43560 sq. ft. = 325,828 gallons per acre foot

325,825/28,000cfs = releasing an acre foot of water every 1.6 seconds.
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