Pond Boss
Posted By: LoopTech Buying stocker Catfish - 03/14/07 12:34 AM
I have a small pond that I want to stock.. Its only a 1/3 maybe 1/2 acre, and the deepest part is maybe 5 Ft.. I have a deep well and I can keep the pond full. My Question is, There is a fish Truck that is going to be here Friday march 16, He wants me to stock 250 Channels(5 IN) AND 250 Hybrid Bluegill(3in) in this pond, for a cost of $277.00 . Is this to many fish, And is this Price OK.. Thanks.. I will be feeding these fish....Thanks again
Posted By: LoopTech Re: Buying stocker Catfish - 03/14/07 01:35 AM
Ok experts, need answer b-4 I get a call back from the Fish Truck Guy
Posted By: george Re: Buying stocker Catfish - 03/14/07 09:37 AM
Loop Tech, I don’t remember what else you have in your pond?

If your objective is to have a LOT of CC to fish for and to eat – then 250 CC may be OK – BUT – we made the mistake of overstocking CC, and after nearly five years, are still trying to reduce the numbers.

Seems to me to way too many CC for a pond that size – maybe the experts can give an answer to meet your schedule.

As for as Hybrid Bluegill are concerned, IMO I cannot understand why anyone would stock them, when in your area you easily raise high quality CNBG to a pound or better.

I may be prejudiced, but with our local fish providers that grow out their own fish, and PB advertisers as well, I would never consider buying from an out-of-state fish truck.
Posted By: Theo Gallus Re: Buying stocker Catfish - 03/14/07 12:01 PM
I pretty much agree with george on the numbers - 250 CC and 250 HBG in 1/3 acre should be do-able IF you remove fish aggressively starting as soon as the largest reach table size. If you don't want to eat A LOT of catfish QUICKLY, 250 is probably way too many.
Posted By: overtonfisheries Re: Buying stocker Catfish - 03/14/07 12:29 PM
My recommendation is to stock fewer fish as well. In 1/3 acre, without aeration, assume your carrying capacity to be 500 lbs of fish per acre of water. This equates to about 165 lbs of fish in 1/3 acres of water. Now assuming you'll want half of your biomass in hybrid bluegill and half in catfish, you can safely and easily:

stock 50 catfish and grow them to 2 lbs avg size for 100 lbs biomass

stock 170 hybrid bluegill and grow them to 1/2 lb avg size for 85 lbs biomass

I know this adds up to 185 lbs, but you'll lose some fish along the way to natural forces

You can make adjustments to these projections based on expected harvest size and harvest expectations

Won't comment on prices

Hope this helps
Posted By: Dave Davidson1 Re: Buying stocker Catfish - 03/14/07 12:42 PM
I'll comment on the prices. Pretty high for that combination and size.

BTW, I love the idea of CC and HBG in a 1/3 acre pond.

Have you considered going with larger CC and HBG's? If you're willing to spring for $277, I would go with Todds numbers and have a mature fishing hole in a short time. But I doubt that I would get them off that particular fish truck.

Along with the natural forces that Todd mentions, you could start trimming them down yourself.
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