Pond Boss
Posted By: Eric_in_TN morels - 04/05/06 05:13 AM
Anyone find any morels yet? I took a stroll through the woods near the pond this afternoon and couldn't find any. But the may apples are starting to pop up which is a good sign!
Posted By: Bob-O Re: morels - 04/05/06 02:50 PM
Eric, knock it off! I'm addicted ta them tasty morsels and have 2-3 weeks ta wait. You ain't helpin. Two yrs ago, I sent 2 lbs overnight ups ta my daughter in Nashville at a cost of $32. Came home to a e-mail that started "Hows the coolest dad in the world"? Money well spent. Good huntin.
Posted By: Norm Kopecky Re: morels - 04/05/06 03:38 PM
A long, long time ago, I worked as a naturalist at Fontenelle Forest Nature Center at Omaha. Collecting of anything is strictly prohibited. It was unreal how many morels there were on the forest floor. To see a place that hasn't been picked over is quite a sight!
Posted By: Sunil Re: morels - 04/05/06 04:00 PM
What is a morel?
Posted By: Shorty Re: morels - 04/05/06 04:23 PM

Posted By: Sunil Re: morels - 04/05/06 05:02 PM
Thank you, Shor-TAY.
Posted By: Brettski Re: morels - 04/05/06 05:28 PM
They go for big bux, don't they? Can they be sold?
(edit: Shorty...how dare you publish a pic of an inferior competing soft drink!)
Posted By: Debra King Re: morels - 04/05/06 05:32 PM
I misread this thread title. Thought it said morals and was thinking to myself "this ought to be a good one". LOL

Hope everyone is having pleasant weather today. It is 77 degrees here with blue skys. \:\)


edit: eeeewwwww I just read the link and found out they were 'shrooms. Did ya'll know frogs go tee tee on those things? Except of course for the little frogs who just use them for shelter. :p
Posted By: Beaver Boy Re: morels - 04/05/06 05:46 PM
My biggest question is, what tv show is on in the background of that Dr. pepper morel's pic. I spose another rerun of seinfield.

Anyways...The general population aren't attracted to these non-hallucinating 'shrooms. I don't mind them, but I'm a garbage disposal.

Posted By: JayMan Re: morels - 04/05/06 05:51 PM
Originally posted by Debra King:

Hope everyone is having pleasant weather today. It is 77 degrees here with blue skys. \:\)
Does 32 with an inch of snow on the ground count as nice weather. Yeah, I didn't think so either. At least it keeps the shrooms fresh.
Posted By: Shorty Re: morels - 04/05/06 05:54 PM
Just for Brettski, Bruce, and Theo! \:D

Posted By: Cary Martin Re: morels - 04/05/06 06:23 PM
You could have cheese with your morals and yogurt for desert and you will have all the staples the body needs (fungus, mold and bacteria!)
Posted By: ealong59 Re: morels - 04/05/06 06:24 PM
You guys aren't actually drinking soda while supping on the nektar of the gods, are you?
Posted By: Martin Re: morels - 04/05/06 06:29 PM
I am a morel hunting junkie!! The earliest I have found them here is April 7th. Those were the black kind. I tukey hunt in MO and have found giant yellows there the first week of May.
Posted By: Brettski Re: morels - 04/05/06 06:41 PM
Cary Martin reports:
You could have cheese with your morals and yogurt for desert and you will have all the staples the body needs (fungus, mold and bacteria!)
My organs are gurgling at the thought
Posted By: Rangersedge Re: morels - 04/05/06 06:43 PM
I read an article recently - wished I could remember where so could show I'm not making it up - about these people picking morels in Alaska and NW Territories (I didn't even know they had mushrooms up there!?). Anyway, they were hiking in to wilderness areas that previously had fires and picking many pounds per day. The picture showed a woman with a backpack on and soot on her face and arms. If memory serves, this couple had picked 75 pounds or so. They also met some people that picked them and sold them for $7 per pound to some company. That group had gathered about 500 pounds that day and 1,000 pounds the previous day.

I remember in my youth one day when three brothers and I hunted from dawn to dusk and found over 3,000 mushrooms. Now it is unusual to find more than 30 in a trip - almost not worth all the walking. I don't know if it is too many picking, people putting in bread sacks so spores don't spread, different forest make up, too many deer / turkeys, or what. I'd love to have a biologist's perspective on all that and what we could do to increase the morels on our property.
Posted By: Theo Gallus Re: morels - 04/05/06 06:46 PM
Originally posted by Shorty:
Just for Brettski, Bruce, and Theo! \:D


I love mushrooms, really love morels.

Alas, I have absolutely no talent, eye, or luck for finding them.
Posted By: Cary Martin Re: morels - 04/05/06 06:48 PM
Any recipe for cooking them?
Posted By: Debra King Re: morels - 04/05/06 06:50 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by JayMan:

"Does 32 with an inch of snow on the ground count as nice weather. Yeah, I didn't think so either. At least it keeps the shrooms fresh."

I am so sorry. If it helps you any I tend to blow a lot of hot air. \:\)
On the flip side we only get snow once every 5-10 years so I could actually be jealous of you (but not your shrooms \:D )
Posted By: Eric_in_TN Re: morels - 04/05/06 07:40 PM
Shorty yer killing me with those pics. The word is the black ones are sprouting around here. We had a lot of rain last weekend followed by high 60's/low 70's days so it should be time for them. I'm going to hunt a little more this weekend. My wife & kids are addicted to them too, we need to find alot so we don't fight over them.

Nothing I'd rather eat than fried morels. My favorite way of cooking them is to cut them in half, let em' soak in saltwater for a while, batter in flour, and fry. The best eatin' you'll ever have. (Although grilled venison tenderloin marinated in italian dressing w/onions comes close) Debra they're actually not mushrooms, they're fungi \:D

True story: When I was in 6th grade in Kentucky we picked a huge mess of morels one day on the farm. My parents gave me a plastic bag full of them to take to school to give to my best friend. (So he could take them home to his parents) He put them in his locker and forgot about them. He discovered the bag a month later, opened it, a horrific smell emanated from the decayed mush inside, and my friend promptly lost his lunch in front of the whole class \:D
Posted By: Brettski Re: morels - 04/05/06 08:09 PM
...based on addictive properties and high demand, wouldn't it be refreshing to have public concern for production and distribution of product from hidden Morel labs? Sounds like the buzz is hard to beat. These stories parallel meth' issues on the idyllic side:
My parents gave me a plastic bag full of them to take to school to give to my best friend
I'm addicted ta them tasty morsels and have 2-3 weeks ta wait
I am a morel hunting junkie!
...and my personal favorite, directly from my Homey Theo

Posted By: Eric_in_TN Re: morels - 04/05/06 08:15 PM
But Herr Brettski, there's no "magic" in them ... just great taste \:D
Posted By: Bob-O Re: morels - 04/06/06 12:26 AM
Eric, or anyone, check out www.morels.com there are quite a few state sites listed there. CM, ya should be able ta find some recipes if ya poke around. I used ta have one that had some kinda chicken mix that ya stuffed in and then baked em in 1/2 &1/2 cream. Best dang stuff I've ever eaten. My uncle told me yrs ago NOT ta soak em in saltwater, cause that kills the bugs inside em. Plain water drives the bugs ta the surface. (Be sure ta completely submerg em). Deb, you snootin bout eatin fungi reminds me of when I met my wife, she snooted at shrimp and lobster. DA me convinced her ta try em. That cost me lots of $ over the years. Speakin of $, the nice yellows were sellin fer $32 per lb around here last spring. Brettski, there is magic in em. It's the lure that gets thousands of folks out into the woods. Even before Turkey season! Happy huntin to all.
Posted By: Theo Gallus Re: morels - 04/06/06 12:35 AM
Soaked in brine, rinsed off, then broiled in butter. Served with breaded & fried deer chops, you will envy no man.

Shorty and Bruce would argue I was NOT ranting about the morels. \:D
Posted By: Brettski Re: morels - 04/06/06 03:25 AM
...guilt by association! Look at those two; they look like Bonnie and Clyde.
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