Pond Boss
Posted By: Cecil Baird1 Severely cold temps but no freeze - 02/17/06 12:08 PM
The high today will be in the teens with powerful winds and no ice formation to insulate the pond due to the wind. The ice went out for the third or fourth time yesterday this winter. The wind will drop back somewhat, but possibly not enough when temps drop to near zero or below tonight and tomorrow night.

I fear I will see more stressed and dead fish along the shoreline. I've picked up about 20 smallmouth, a dozen bluegill, and a handful of largemouths this winter the last two times this had happened.

I've had this pond for around 10 years and never seen this. What a strange winter.

Only good thing is the yellow perch don't seem to be affected at all vs. the other fish species.

Not feeling sorry for myself but this has been one peculiar winter!
Posted By: Big Jake Re: Severely cold temps but no freeze - 02/17/06 12:55 PM
Cecil, Hate to hear about your situatation, nothing worse than seeing your fish belly up. Between the harsh winters up north and the droubts in other areas its tough. Makes me proud to live in Ga high yesterday was 75 and anual rain fall around 52 inches. Best of luck.

Big Jake
Posted By: mr willy Re: Severely cold temps but no freeze - 02/17/06 01:02 PM

I fear I will see more stressed and dead fish along the shoreline. I've picked up about 20 smallmouth, a dozen bluegill, and a handful of largemouths this winter the last two times this had happened.
I have not seen any dead fish in my pond ( yet) but I don't have near the population that you have. I lucked out on this current cold blast, managed to form several inches before it came in. 4deg. this morning with wind.
Posted By: Sunil Re: Severely cold temps but no freeze - 02/17/06 01:10 PM
There will be a moment of silence at 12:01 PM EST today, February 17, '06, in mourning, for Cecil's deceased Smallmouth Bass.

During this moment of silence, you are asked to reflect on the life of these Smallmouth Bass and their contributions to society, especially considering their work on Alternate Fuels, the NASA Space Program, and Health Care Reform.

In addition, please focus some thoughts to Cecil's existing Smallmouth Bass population in the hopes to give them strength to survive so that they may be transferred to my pond later this spring.

Thank you.
Cecil, Having the same situation here,in NW Ohio The airport just 5 miles north of me recoreded 61 MPH winds when the front came through last night, current temp is 26 and dropping with 25 mph winds, This will chill a pond very fast, With our 61 F yesterday was walking around both ponds and see more dead ones (mostly redears)and these are ponds with a light to medium fish load.Being suspect that the last ice off a few weeks ago caused this and the current temp swing is more dramatic looks like the current situation is of greater concern. Had a solid 3/4 inch of ice 2 days ago and left in 24 hours,strange winter indeed and not over yet is the concernng part.I would expect a lot of activity on this subject this early spring as more people become aware of what happened to the fish population the winter of 06 in certain states. Will pull a temp check at 12-14 ft later to day just to see how bad things are.
Posted By: Theo Gallus Re: Severely cold temps but no freeze - 02/17/06 04:34 PM
Sorry to hear about your fish, Cecil.

Sunil, you forgot to mention all the research into heavy water that smallmouth did during the Manhattan Project.
Posted By: Eric Re: Severely cold temps but no freeze - 02/17/06 05:48 PM
Cecil & Ted, Sorry to hear about the fish. nothing worse than seeing your hard work and eco system not working the way it should due to some freaky weather. Our pond is in the same realm and conditions as yours, however I havent seen or had any fish go belly up yet. I am trying to figure out if its because I have a smaller population or because I have the creek running in it throughout the entire winter or maybe all the fish have died and sunk to the bottom. Its been like ages since I have seen the perch and ever since I put in the 25 SMB late last summer, I havent seen a one of them except to hear some sounds that may have been frogs jumping or small bass jumping. Who knows!!! But either case I am sorry to hear about whats going on there.
Eric,I have to look at it as just natures way of thinning the herd,I do wish my ponds had 20 plus ft of depth instead as I dont think this situation would be going on. It is not a huge number and I dont think it will get out of hand.I never thought the chilling effect of "Winter Turnover" would be a killer. You normally hear anything over 18-20 ft in depth is a waste and Im starting to question that in a year like this. Last year I had ice on/off 4 times and the coldest I recorded the bottom water was 36 F and no kill that I was aware of.Every pond and every year is unique.
Originally posted by Eric:
Cecil & Ted, Sorry to hear about the fish. nothing worse than seeing your hard work and eco system not working the way it should due to some freaky weather. Our pond is in the same realm and conditions as yours, however I havent seen or had any fish go belly up yet. I am trying to figure out if its because I have a smaller population or because I have the creek running in it throughout the entire winter or maybe all the fish have died and sunk to the bottom. Its been like ages since I have seen the perch and ever since I put in the 25 SMB late last summer, I havent seen a one of them except to hear some sounds that may have been frogs jumping or small bass jumping. Who knows!!! But either case I am sorry to hear about whats going on there.
I suspect you don't have to worry about the perch. They are very active under the ice too which may mean they are somewhat different.

Actually this is still less than a true winterkill. It will be interesting to see though if more fish succumb to bacteria or fungus once the water warms in the spring. (I could be totally wrong but I think we will have a cold spring).
Posted By: ewest Re: Severely cold temps but no freeze - 02/17/06 06:09 PM
At 12:01 cdt a moment of silence was observed for all the SMB winter morts. \:\( So sad to see the smartest fish around succumb to freakish winter weather patterns. At 12:02 , 12:03 and 12:04 cdt respectively an additional moment of silence was observed for each our good friends BG ,RES and LMB who also went mort. \:\( At 12:05 cdt a moment of encouragement was observed for the survivors in hopes they endure. \:\) Soon we will be rejoicing at the magic of the spawn as time moves on in its cycle of life. \:\)
A "winterkill" from loss of DO can be ugly, At least the DO levels with this situation is probably 12 PPM and perhaps in excess of 100%Perhaps we supersaturated them \:\)
Posted By: Sunil Re: Severely cold temps but no freeze - 02/17/06 06:37 PM
I am just now able to compose myself and reply after our moment of silence was observed over one hour ago.

Theo, much of the research done by the Smallmouth during the Manhattan Project is just now becoming declassified. Several of the Smallmouth had their personal notes confiscated at the end of the project. They are still waiting for a reply to their formal inquiry to have their notes returned under the Freedom of Information Act.

ewest, your kind thoughts are greatly appreciated and will be rewarded through successful spawning, according to the Smallmouth.
Posted By: ewest Re: Severely cold temps but no freeze - 02/17/06 07:13 PM
\:D \:D \:\)
Posted By: Theo Gallus Re: Severely cold temps but no freeze - 02/17/06 08:04 PM
Don't forget the devastating (to our national security) espionage conducted by Julius and Ethyl Rosy Red Minnow.
It must be Friday!

Hey, I'm going to put structure in what's left of my pond. I have a stainless steel tub from a washing machine that went out. It has lots of little holes around and in bottom. Any suggestions on how to use it in a small pond?
Posted By: Sunil Re: Severely cold temps but no freeze - 02/17/06 09:18 PM
Burgermeister, please refer back to the topic of this thread. It is for discussing Severely Cold Temperatures without Freezing, not for Structure Placement.
Posted By: ewest Re: Severely cold temps but no freeze - 02/17/06 09:28 PM
Odd -- I thought if was about raising prayer flags and thoughts for our brothers and sisters lost to the dreaded winter morts. or alternatively for the shameful use of that smartest fish , SMB , by our government to further power and knowledge or to demean that fabulous minnow FH , by calling it pinko red rosy names. \:D \:D \:D :p
Sorry, Sunil

As it relates to cold, but not freezing temps, how would you place the wash tub structure, before the pond freezes in Southwest Mississippi?
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