Pond Boss
I see most of you are in the east coast or in the south, but I havent seen anybody that really specializes in my neck of the woods. I am starting to look at land and want to possibly look at putting in a 25-50 acre lake/pond to build a personal trophy fishery. I have found a land spot with 129 acres of hills that looks like it would just need to be damned up, but trying to get a professional opinion.

You can check with your Department of Natural Resources, or US Fish and Wildlife Department. They should have a list of fish dealers in your neck of the woods, and those fish dealers can give you names of people that can build your pond. I would get atleast a couple of names and do some research on them. Just a suggestion.

I agree, NRCS should be able to advise you. But,
it's very difficult to find an available land tract of only 129 acres that has the necessary
topography, soil conditions, annual rainfail and
watershed to support such a large pond. Maybe, you've found such a jewell.
I think I found the spot. It is close to lake elsinore here in southern california. Though is more coastal. I will contact the NRCS and get some names as I do not want to pay 6 million for land that is just land...

Thank you,

King Fish,

Found this old thread for ya. Look at Jim's post.


Jim has an email address. Perhaps you could email him and he may be able to help you with any questions or at least give you a place to start.
When I lived in California, I used to do a few projects for a guy with some land in Northern California. He was pretty cantancerous and constantly battleing all the different government agencies. He was also a fairly well to do retired goverment official!!

He absolutely refused to deal with them on anything. When he wanted a pond, he put it in. When they came after him for building it without permits, he told them it had always been there, he just cleared off the trees and brush, than had a dozer patch it up.

If you buy some land, I'd seriously consider "finding" an old pond that needs repairing already on your land versus building a new one.

You never know what salamander might, or might not, live on the land. If somebody in some government agency hears about a new dam going in, they have been known to demand a study be done to prove that it DOESN'T exist on your land. Do you know how hard that is to do? I do, it sucks!!!!

Good luck, don't listen to anything I advise that might sound illegal, I'm just telling fish stories.

I would also check with Bob Lusk. He travels quite a bit on big projects.
Well, I think I would stick to saltwater instead of moving out of the state... I am hoping this property would be ok since it does have a seasonal creek that would allow for runoff if need be...
king_fish, where there is a will, there's a way, however, your way may be more difficult than for other geographical locations. Fresh Water and the West Coast are big issues.

Many of us would cut a pond into our own land with no permits or approvals from any kind of agency.

Others may go through government agencies for approval and permits.

If I were you, I would continue to do research WITHOUT contacting any agency.

Put another post up here like "Calling any CALIFORNIA Pond Bosses." There are several California people on this board.

Once you know some more local pond people, you can get some more regional info.

I would also start to compile the various regulations in hard copy. I think you will find that a lot of them are vague and contradictory on land owner rights.

From there, you may see some clear direction.

Please don't give up yet. Having your own pond is one of the greatest things ever, and it's a legacy to pass down for generations.
king_fish...why don't you call tomorrow at the office and let's talk. I think I might be able to help. I can speak faster than write it. 903.564.5372.
Just another California story.

My friends land also had a seasonal creek. A neibor a few properties over had some cattle on his land that was downstream, but on the same creek.

One day he finds a group of people on his land counting cow pies. He's polite and asks what they are doing on his land. I forget what agency they were from. Sorry, this was about ten years ago.

They tell him that the cow pies are poluting the year round stream that the seasonal creek flows into. This is causing fewer salmon to spawn. He's the only one with cattle, so it' his fault.

They had already convicted him of this crime in there minds and were now gathering the evidence by counting cow pies!!!!

He was ordered to remove his cows and clean up the land. He was fined for causing damage to the river and charged for everyones time. I don't know the amounts this came to, or what it cost him in fees to hire a lawyer. I don't know if he had to pay anything, or if he was cleared.

I do know he removed the cows and ended up selling the land. The final outcome is unknown to me. This was all told to me by my friend and is second hand knowledge. I never met this person or saw any of these events.

I only pass on the story because you should be very careful as a land owner in California.


Check your email. I will try to help you out on your potential lake in So. Cal.


Dave I replied to your email.


King fish I would like to see what your property looks like do you mind posting some pictures.
I havent purchased anything yet. I found a property, but wanted to see if it was worth while to even look into purchasing it. As I would not buy it if I could not put a small to medium size lake/ pond on it.

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