Pond Boss
Posted By: Alligator Pond Meister - wish list - 09/23/05 12:45 PM
Toby's post got me to thinkin...what is on Your wish list?

Here is mine:

1. Rain (think Rita has this one covered).
2. Weekend cabin (working on this one).
3. New John boat with trolling motor.
4. Cellphone deer camera thingie.
5. 75 - 80 hp tractor with 15' batwing mower.
6. 4 x 4 Mule.
7. New deer blind.
8. Pit Smoker for the ranch.
9. Big concrete area with outdoor fire pit/fire place.
10. Gravel Roads!

Posted By: Dave Davidson Re: Pond Meister - wish list - 09/23/05 01:04 PM
Gator, you forgot something. $$$$$$$$$ and the time to maintain all of the STUFF.
Posted By: Alligator Re: Pond Meister - wish list - 09/23/05 01:12 PM
Yes you are right - perhaps if I become a zillionaire I can get all of this stuff; quit work and play around on it all day!

Posted By: will Re: Pond Meister - wish list - 09/23/05 01:15 PM
And don't forget BIG fat & happy fish
Posted By: Rad Re: Pond Meister - wish list - 09/23/05 01:25 PM
1. Pond big enough to need a boat(let alone a motor)
2. bigger fish, not exactly accurate, knowning that there is a larger fish in there than I just caught is really what I want, I don't need to catch it, just know it's there
3. More water clarity, I think, I have between 2 1/2 and 3 inches. But, if I had more, would I want more yet? Probably.
I was at the pond tonight with some friends and I will say that sitting there looking out over the water and seeing the sunset, the cattle egrets gathering for the flight home, the tilapia cruising, hoping for that last scrap, knowing that there are millions in harms way lets me know that I am one of the luckiest people on the planet.
Posted By: Dave Davidson Re: Pond Meister - wish list - 09/23/05 01:36 PM
A couple of other things that you find out about. Fire and EC plus theft insurance (ask Eastland about this one) a propane tank and the list goes on. Once you get all of these, females really prefer indoor plumbing so you need a water well. I found out that I really do prefer to have A/C so that brings the need for electricity and the monthly bill(s).

Don't worry about the grass around the cabin. You can haul your lawn mower from home or hire it done. BTW, where will you store all of this stuff. In your new barn?

Unless you are really careful, hunting and fishing can become stolen moments.

I'm not sure being a zillionaire really covers it all.
Posted By: Theo Gallus Re: Pond Meister - wish list - 09/23/05 03:38 PM
"I want to decide who lives and who dies."

-Crow T. Robot, MST3K
Posted By: Dudley Landry Re: Pond Meister - wish list - 09/23/05 08:32 PM
You planning a trip to New Orleans, Theo?
Posted By: Theo Gallus Re: Pond Meister - wish list - 09/24/05 03:36 PM
No, not planning any big trips right now, Dudley.

Now my Brother-in-Law's place is only about a mile away...
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