Pond Boss
Posted By: anthropic Chillin' for HSB? - 05/16/23 11:16 PM
We know it's bad juju to catch HSB under high water temp conditions, as they'll fight to the death. But to what extent can this be ameliorated in warm weather by fishing for them in the morning? Does the cooler water temp more than compensate for the lower dissolved oxygen levels?
Posted By: FishinRod Re: Chillin' for HSB? - 05/17/23 12:05 AM
Originally Posted by anthropic
Does the cooler water temp more than compensate for the lower dissolved oxygen levels?

I do not have a clue!

However, one option is to use some heavier tackle, especially if you are worried about catching a HSB while fishing for your largest LMB.

It is not as sporting, but if you just "horse 'em in", then the HSB cannot turn their heads and make multiple exhausting runs.

P.S. In my neck of the woods, the middle of May is still cool water temps. What are the temps in your main pond now?
Posted By: esshup Re: Chillin' for HSB? - 05/17/23 03:36 AM
George Glazener made a fish resuscitation tank from an insulated cooler, a point four diffuser, a flow control valve, a regulator and a pony O2 tank. He'd put the HSB in there and let them stay in there a while in the oxygenated water until they recovered, then released them back into the pond.

Maybe Fireishot has a pic somewhere or more info.
Posted By: anthropic Re: Chillin' for HSB? - 05/17/23 05:22 AM
Originally Posted by FishinRod
Originally Posted by anthropic
Does the cooler water temp more than compensate for the lower dissolved oxygen levels?

I do not have a clue!

However, one option is to use some heavier tackle, especially if you are worried about catching a HSB while fishing for your largest LMB.

It is not as sporting, but if you just "horse 'em in", then the HSB cannot turn their heads and make multiple exhausting runs.

P.S. In my neck of the woods, the middle of May is still cool water temps. What are the temps in your main pond now?

Yeah, heavy duty gear isn't my thing -- I prefer ultralight or fly fishing -- but in this case I really should make an exception for the sake of the fish. They are very easy to catch compared with LMB, just toss out a few giant food pellets (I use Optimal Handthrown) to get them going, then attach a hook to another giant pellet with a rubber band. Or, if that seems too unsporting, throw a topwater lure, which is how the pond record was caught.

Now that I think about it, this could be the coolest flyfishing ever! But I need plenty of backing and 15 plus lb tippet.
Posted By: anthropic Re: Chillin' for HSB? - 05/17/23 05:28 AM
Originally Posted by esshup
George Glazener made a fish resuscitation tank from an insulated cooler, a point four diffuser, a flow control valve, a regulator and a pony O2 tank. He'd put the HSB in there and let them stay in there a while in the oxygenated water until they recovered, then released them back into the pond.

Maybe Fireishot has a pic somewhere or more info.

Thanks! What is a pony O2 tank?
Posted By: Dave Davidson1 Re: Chillin' for HSB? - 05/17/23 11:34 AM
He showed it to me but I don’t have a picture. George was the first guy I knew who put hybrid stripers in a pond. When they were first introduced, they were thought of as an open (big) water fish only.
Posted By: Theo Gallus Re: Chillin' for HSB? - 05/17/23 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by anthropic
Originally Posted by esshup
George Glazener made a fish resuscitation tank from an insulated cooler, a point four diffuser, a flow control valve, a regulator and a pony O2 tank. He'd put the HSB in there and let them stay in there a while in the oxygenated water until they recovered, then released them back into the pond.

Maybe Fireishot has a pic somewhere or more info.

Thanks! What is a pony O2 tank?
IIRC George used a fairly small tank, the kind people with emphysema, etc. hauled around before oxygen concentrators became common. Perhaps 4"-5" diameter, 20"-24" tall.
Posted By: esshup Re: Chillin' for HSB? - 05/17/23 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by anthropic
Originally Posted by esshup
George Glazener made a fish resuscitation tank from an insulated cooler, a point four diffuser, a flow control valve, a regulator and a pony O2 tank. He'd put the HSB in there and let them stay in there a while in the oxygenated water until they recovered, then released them back into the pond.

Maybe Fireishot has a pic somewhere or more info.

Thanks! What is a pony O2 tank?

About 20 to 40 cubic feet.
Posted By: FishinRod Re: Chillin' for HSB? - 05/17/23 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by esshup
George Glazener made a fish resuscitation tank from an insulated cooler, a point four diffuser, a flow control valve, a regulator and a pony O2 tank. He'd put the HSB in there and let them stay in there a while in the oxygenated water until they recovered, then released them back into the pond.

Maybe Fireishot has a pic somewhere or more info.

esshup (and everyone),

Was the water in the resuscitation tank approximately the same temperature as the lake water - and the recuperation effect was due to high O2 only?

Or was the water a little cooler, to hold more dissolved O2 and cool down an overheated large fish a little? If cooler, I would be afraid of temperature shocking a trophy fish.

I am sure there is an optimal temperature differential to the pond water. I am likewise sure I have no clue as the correct difference!
Posted By: FishinRod Re: Chillin' for HSB? - 05/17/23 04:18 PM
P.S. As regards George's life story - how would you like to catch so many trophy fish that you had to design a resuscitation tank! grin
Posted By: FireIsHot Re: Chillin' for HSB? - 05/17/23 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by FishinRod
...Was the water in the resuscitation tank approximately the same temperature as the lake water - and the recuperation effect was due to high O2 only?

Or was the water a little cooler, to hold more dissolved O2 and cool down an overheated large fish a little? If cooler, I would be afraid of temperature shocking a trophy fish...

No, George didn't use ice. George did use medical O2 tanks like Theo mentioned, and if I remember correctly, he used one of the flow meters used for nasal cannulas. Scott, he used the blue aquarium stones. I remember that because he had a meltdown when he found out I bought Point Four stones. He was a bit tight with $$.

Ice? Cooling the water? It's just me, and I may be wrong, but if you alter the recovery tank temp for HSB, then do you alter it back to the pond temp when you release him? We've been told for years that we need to acclimate the water temp before we put bought fish into a pond, which I agree with. But if you make the tank water cooler, then you will be shocking the fish if you drop it back into warmer water. "If" i was going to lower the tank water temp, I'd gradually lower the temp, let the fish recover with cooler water and O2, then slowly raise the temp back to the pond water temp.

Frank, I showed this before, but this is my recovery tank. It's a 150 qt cooler with a vent to let carbon dioxide escape. I keep a 34" ruler in the cooler, and I can measure fish without taking them out of the water. In it, I tote a pink bucket for adding water( nobody steals a pink bucket or cigarette lighter), and in it I carry my O2 rig, clove oil to calm the fish, and sea salt to help with the fish's slime. I use a Premier Industries regulator which is a little more pricey than a standard medical or welding flow meter, but there are no dials or options to mess with. Their flowmeter is preset for O2 stones. I've literally hauled hundreds of fish in this rig, and haven't lost a fish yet.

Since everything's in the cooler, I just throw it in the back of my UTV when I head out.

Posted By: FishinRod Re: Chillin' for HSB? - 05/17/23 09:15 PM

Thanks for the further explanation and the pics!
Posted By: anthropic Re: Chillin' for HSB? - 05/17/23 11:25 PM
Thanks, Al! You're right, there's no excuse for unnecessarily killing a trophy.
Posted By: jludwig Re: Chillin' for HSB? - 05/18/23 04:30 PM
Mods, can this be posted in the archives?
Posted By: ewest Re: Chillin' for HSB? - 05/18/23 06:45 PM
Which part ? Can't move the entire thread as then no one else can post.
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