Pond Boss
Posted By: big_pond Newbee - 07/15/03 02:49 PM
Hey man!
I have been reading about a guy that has some cats that are 18 months old and they are at 8 lbs. Some were blue and some were channels. Of course the channels are half the size of the blues. How are yours doing? How are the blues compared with the channels?
Posted By: big_pond Re: Newbee - 07/16/03 07:16 PM

You still with us??
Posted By: newbee Re: Newbee - 07/16/03 11:18 PM
Well Big_pond they are not that big yet! I would say that they are around 4.lbs. They are still doing great and I caught quite a few on white spinner baits if you can imagine that.
Posted By: big_pond Re: Newbee - 07/17/03 01:26 AM
Good to here from you, good to here from a few people love catfish like me. So you said you are catching them on spinner bait? How are you fishing this bait? near bottom? fast? mid depth? How is the bass fishing? How big are your blues compared to the channels? Are the channels hitting artificle lures?

thanks for the info man
Posted By: newbee Re: Newbee - 07/18/03 11:27 PM
I am fishing the bait as I would for bass, a medium retrieve. The blues are in fact bigger than the channels, but not so big that there is a huge differnce. The bass are doing well and are around fifteen inches on average. The problem with them is that they are very difficult to catch. I don't know why but they are. I stocked Florida Bass and from I have learned they are harder to catch then native bass
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