Pond Boss
I've got a new 1/4 acre, 6ft deep groundwater pond that was dug last summer. I threw in a handfull of bluegill and bass to see how they would fare over the winter with no aeration and only 6ft of depth. To date this spring I've seen one bg survivor and one dead bass, so how many are still alive is a mystery.

My plan is to make the pond bigger and deeper (12 to 15 ft) this spring using a contractor with a dragline. I was thinking about stocking the FH's now with the hope that most would survive the digging, and that they would reproduce before my planned stocking later in the year. Should I attempt that route or just wait until after the enlargement?
FHM can live in sewer water...
You say you have a "groundwater" pond. To me that means the water level reflects what the water table surrounding the pond is. Both Esshup and I have groundwater ponds and they both fluctuate according to the weather. Right now mine is 11' deep but I'll bet by mid to late july it will be in the 8-9' range. Do some checking to make sure you're not going to do expensive work with not so good results. It is possible you may have a larger "pond" but a smaller and more shallow body of water. Good luck and hope yo can improve your pond. Bob-O
Originally Posted By: Bob-O
You say you have a "groundwater" pond. To me that means the water level reflects what the water table surrounding the pond is. Both Esshup and I have groundwater ponds and they both fluctuate according to the weather. Right now mine is 11' deep but I'll bet by mid to late july it will be in the 8-9' range. Do some checking to make sure you're not going to do expensive work with not so good results. It is possible you may have a larger "pond" but a smaller and more shallow body of water. Good luck and hope yo can improve your pond. Bob-O

Good advice. I dug a test hole 3 years ago to monitor the water level at the pond site. During the driest part of the summers the level only dropped about 18". I also have a small river that flows by the pond site within about 100' that I believe helps support the water level. Currently the pond is about 8 feet deep.
I did exactly what you are talking about doing to my 3/4" groundwater pond 2 years ago with good results. I did loose all my fish durning the transition.
When I renovated my pond I drained most of it, concentrating the fish in the deepest part. I dammed that part off from the rest of the pond and did the renovation with an excavator. The water that the fish were in had 6" to 12" visibility due to turbidity and I only lost one BG. It's a LOT easier to dig the pond correctly if you can see what you are digging, and the excavator will move more dirt quicker than a dragline. You'd be suprised how fast a 15,000 gph pump can drain a pond!

My groundwater pond went from over 4' below full pool on Sunday night to full pool and then some by Wed night. Groundwater and surface run-off. Once the level drops 10" it's strictly a groundwater filled/maintained pond.
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