Pond Boss
As we prepare to improve the site, we'll have several missions. And, we'll need some help.
First, we want to add some Regional Field Correspondents. While printing the magazine has space limits, the website won't. I like Brettski's idea to go beyond the pond. We do that to a certain extent in the magazine, but the reason we don't go further is because I don't have a writer who does that. Every writer we have writes about what they know. So, not having a writer and being limited on space, we try to be good at what we are...in print, that is.
So, I am looking for some folks willing to see their words in articles for the improved PB website.
Brettski, wanna tackle some subjects that track Beyond the Shoreline?
My basic idea is to have people in the different regions of the country (and world, RAD), who can interview their neighbors, friends and acquaintances, take a few photos and tell some real world stories to be submitted and published here.
You'll get your own Avatar, specially designed, to let everyone know you are a Pond Boss Regional Field Correspondent.
Who's interested?

The second item is to start the "Pond Boss Ambassadors"...our very own Johnny Appleseeds. Gayle is working on a card, similar to a post card, for our ambassadors to use to introduce Pond Boss to friends and neighbors.
We're working on some incentives, too. For example, each card can be coded and when we get "x" number of them returned with paid subscribers, we can offer prizes. Or, say when we receive 30 cards with your code on it, your name goes in a hat and we have quarterly drawings for something really nice, like a fishing trip or maybe free registration to the next PB conference, or something else really cool. Special Avatar here, too.

In the meantime, we're gonna rework the home page and start adding content in the form of articles from back issues, podcasts, videos, etc.

The forum will remain free and we'll see if we can upgrade the software to improve the search function and photo posting.

In the meantime, start thinking about who would like to be correspondents and ambassadors and let's get that process moving.

Thanks, faithful and loyal Pond Boss fans.
I'm in for the correspondent and ambassador
I think my life is going to try to settle down. My 75 hour work weeks are a little more like 50 right now. I'd love to be some kind of correspondent!
I'll throw my hat in the ring for ambassador. With the leaves off the trees I'm seeing more and more ponds.
Id like to be an ambassador. I don't know how many people I will run into in the Los Angeles area, but I would be willing to keep cards with me and share the word whenever I can.
I'm in for whatever is needed.
We'll get the program rolling.
I'm headed to the Texas Outdoor Writer's Conference today and when I get back, early next week, we'll get things organized and start talking about topics and methods and stuff.
Ambassador for me ~I interact with pond owners and managers all over the world. I'd love to have an easy way to get them "hooked" on Pond Boss.
morning world.

bob, like mikey i may not run into alot of pond owners, or potential pond owners, but i've met a few and could help spread the word.

ambassador died.............has a strange ring to it.....
Bob of course both for me you know that. Nate I already do the ambassdor thing the best way I know how. I have a PB subscription on my cart page. I think we are up to 7 sales (huge I know). Every little bit of subs sales help. Ask Gayle about how to setup if interested.

Sue or other manufactures as ambassadors- how about some deal with PB to throw in annual subscription with good order? Heck I might start doing that as well. Bob?

Bob we can do a better job as ambassador with the cards, great idea. Also I suggest hyperlinks to PB being setup on as many PB clients websites as willing. You never know who might click then subscribe.
Definitely in as an ambassador, and would love to contribute in other ways as well down the road. Looking forward to the changes.
 Originally Posted By: Greg Grimes

Bob we can do a better job as ambassador with the cards, great idea. Also I suggest hyperlinks to PB being setup on as many PB clients websites as willing. You never know who might click then subscribe.

This also has great effects in search engines. If I may suggest, anyone who wants to link to the site should have it added to their site like this:
For a wealth of great pond and fishery management information, we suggest you subscribe to <a href="http://www.pondboss.com/">Pond Boss Magazine</a>.
We recommend you subscribe to Pond Boss Magazine, the ultimate <a href="http://www.pondboss.com/">Pond and Fishery Management</a> resource.

Exactly what text is inside the <a> </a> tags might change depending on strength of keywords, but that is a good linking structure. Also, Bob et al might have a branded message they prefer, so please ignore me if they have already told you a good way to handle this.

I tried my hand as a sports writer for a long, long time, although I'm not huge into sports (fresh out of college, take any job I can get, you know?). So with some journalistic experience (all about lacrosse, actually) I might be able to pitch in for some content. Sounds like there are many more professional pondmeisters than me willing, though.
I'm in to help get the info cards out, maybe put some useful reference info on the card in addition to informing them of the benefits of PB Mag.
Cost will be a factor but if it's not too expensive maybe a magnet on the card so they'll put it on the fridge, just a suggestion.
I will volunteer as a fly fishing correspondent within a general fishing category.
After tax season I'd be willing to help out in some way.

Do you have any jobs with Czar in the job title?
George, I don't know how many people would read it, but I'd read articles on how to tie different flies.
does anyone else make their own crankbaits? I'm terrible at it. I would be a bad resource, but I would love to read someone who does it well.

so far, 4 lures, 0 catches.
Bob - Throw some of those cards in my magazine, too. I don't need a title, I don't need any incentive. The success of the this forum, the magazine, the writers and the sponsors is well worth it. I already have a list of people in mind where I can drop some cards off.
I'd certainly be willing to help out.
Count me in in any capacity that could benefit from a willing body with beginner's pond knowledge but a ton of enthusiasm!
I'm in.

I have already asked Gayle for 100 cards so I am in too. I am with Victor on this. I don't need any title just want to help out in some way. That is why I came up with the original post of the Buisness Cards to begin with. Just to try and help out the family! Of course I won't deny you sending me on a fishing trip if I were to win one!!! \:\) \:\)
I am against the idea of "Business Cards". Some other card or flyer is needed.

Having a business card from a business implies that the card holder has some official function, generally it means they are paid staff.

I am sure PB doesn't want to have their business cards floating around with dozens of different individuals names on them.

 Originally Posted By: Bing
I am against the idea of "Business Cards". Some other card or flyer is needed.

Having a business card from a business implies that the card holder has some official function, generally it means they are paid staff.

I am sure PB doesn't want to have their business cards floating around with dozens of different individuals names on them.


I am sure it would be something published in a Business Card Size, not being an actual Business Card, but an Inviting Advertisement/Promotional Piece.

And the only Names, if any, should be BL or Corp. Members.

I'll try 25 or so and stick them on B-Boards around the town. We have a lot of private ponds and Lakes around here.

Not sure I want to bug anyone trying to strike up a conversation about ponds by driving by and stopping in.

Hey, we ain't in Texas, but I think everyone around here owns a Mini 14 at minimum, and I cant run that fast!
I'm in for both. It would be great to spread the word. I have lots of ponds around the Ann Arbor area. I wouldn't mind try a hand at an article at some point. The cards would be great.
I always thought johnny appleseed's job was cool when I was a kid. I already tell everyone i can about PD, might as well get an atta boy for it. Send me some cards as well please.
BE glad to take some card and pass them around my area.
I could probably pass for a Regional Field Correspondant. Or PBRFC. But it would have to be in slow times, as during Spring I have more work than I can handle. I do work with CA state inspectors and a lot of remedial or pond solution stuff. I'd help any way I could when time permits.
 Originally Posted By: Bob Lusk
As we prepare to improve the site, we'll have several missions. And, we'll need some help.
...So, I am looking for some folks willing to see their words in articles for the improved PB website.
Brettski, wanna tackle some subjects that track Beyond the Shoreline?

I am flattered and honored.
As a Jack of all trades and master of none, I actually don't possess any level of expertise in any specific subject that would qualify me to author an article on much of anything. At best, I might better qualify to teach how to listen, learn, and best use the expertise of others to achieve your goals. This, combined with the break of spring which will put me knee-deep in other projects, precludes me from contributing to the forum with subject-specific editorials of wisdom.
That being said, though, does not count me out of continuing to offer detailed threads of the projects we develop at our LNP project. You can also rely on me to chime in on most other "above the waterline" subjects that are open to discussion.
I'm in...I like Greg's idea of giving a subscription with a large order too...Hmmm got me thinking Greg.
Hey everyone...great input. I'm at the Texas Outdoor Writer's Association conference at the moment. When I get home this weekend, we'll get the ball rolling and get a plan. Thanks a ton for stepping up.
Attn: All those interested in assuming an Ambassador and/or Corrrespondent role

From: Gayle at PB Headquarters

Thanks to everyone for your interest in this program. Please email me you name, mailing address, phone and email address and indicate whether you want to be an Ambassador, Correspondent or both and we'll get started!

Send to gayle@pondboss.com
Any questions? Call me at 800-687-6075.

Thanks, again - we are looking forward to getting this program off the ground - and appreciate your time, energy and support to spread the word about Pond Boss.

Bob, I have a 24" wide by 30" tall space available for whatever you want put on the back of my truck. I already pass out info, but can leave cards at many fish farms also. Maybe an article or two if the opportunity presents itself and I ever learn how to write.

ewest already has dibs on Mason Leads Rainman Home IIRC

 Originally Posted By: Brettski
 Originally Posted By: Bob Lusk
As we prepare to improve the site, we'll have several missions. And, we'll need some help.
...So, I am looking for some folks willing to see their words in articles for the improved PB website.
Brettski, wanna tackle some subjects that track Beyond the Shoreline?

I am flattered and honored.
As a Jack of all trades and master of none, I actually don't possess any level of expertise in any specific subject that would qualify me to author an article on much of anything. At best, I might better qualify to teach how to listen, learn, and best use the expertise of others to achieve your goals. This, combined with the break of spring which will put me knee-deep in other projects, precludes me from contributing to the forum with subject-specific editorials of wisdom.
That being said, though, does not count me out of continuing to offer detailed threads of the projects we develop at our LNP project. You can also rely on me to chime in on most other "above the waterline" subjects that are open to discussion.

I think you're very well qualified to do an article on roof skating.
I think the Field Correspondent would be a great opportunity. Throw my name in that ring. I live pretty close to esshup. Maybe we could be a Field Correspondent Team?

What do yout think Scott?

See you tomorrow. Last meeting was last night and it is the biggest event we have had to date! I hope you walk out of there with arm loads of stuff!
Sounds good to me! I might be dragging by tomorrow evening. I might be driving to and back from DeGraff, OH (near Cincinnati)tomorrow. I plan on getting there at or before 5:00 p.m.
I am sure there will be a variety of uplifting beverages that will perk you right up ;\)
Hey, even tho Esshup and FCM beat me out as first hoosier Field Correspondent I am located dead center between CB1 and Bill Cody. I think it would be nice for me to do a little article on each of these marvelous guys if they are willing. Both these guys are awfully modest but I'll bet I get some PB encouragement for them to allow this. Wadda think? Bob-O
 Originally Posted By: Bob-O
Hey, even tho Esshup and FCM beat me out as first hoosier Field Correspondent I am located dead center between CB1 and Bill Cody. I think it would be nice for me to do a little article on each of these marvelous guys if they are willing. Both these guys are awfully modest but I'll bet I get some PB encouragement for them to allow this. Wadda think? Bob-O

I think it's a great idea!
Any new updates on this?
Gayle and I have compiled a list of folks who want to be Field Correspondents. We're working on the website to build a place to put the articles written by the field correspondents. I am currently working on editorial guidelines that should be finished soon.
I'll get with Gayle today and we'll get this ball rolling and see if we can get some stories ready to go.

About the Ambassadors...Gayle has designed a card for our Ambassador program.

We're still working on exactly how the programs will work. We are working to figure out how to reward people for their efforts.
Good to hear, kept looking in the mailbox for cards.
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