Pond Boss
Posted By: Theo Gallus Mount Rushmore of Pond Management - 02/22/09 08:27 PM
Condello's latest signature:
The Mount Rushmore of pond management would have Bob Lusk right in the middle.

Who would be the other three?

Homer Swingle is definitely one of them.
Posted By: Bruce Condello Re: Mount Rushmore of Pond Management - 02/22/09 08:42 PM
Richard O. Anderson
Posted By: Theo Gallus Re: Mount Rushmore of Pond Management - 02/22/09 08:52 PM
Quite fitting. The grandfather of pond management, the father of pond management, and the Pond Boss himself.

That leaves room for JHAP, Godfather of the Green Sunfish Association. Unless someone has a better idea.
Posted By: Sunil Re: Mount Rushmore of Pond Management - 02/22/09 09:19 PM
The lack of hair would make it easier on the sculptor.
Posted By: Dave Willis Re: Mount Rushmore of Pond Management - 02/22/09 10:09 PM
Homer Swingle from Auburn? Dick Anderson based many of his advances on the original work by Dr. Swingle. I know that it would be a toss-up with JHAP, but thought I should mention this? \:\)
Posted By: Yolk Sac Re: Mount Rushmore of Pond Management - 02/22/09 11:18 PM
 Originally Posted By: Theo Gallus

That leaves room for JHAP, Godfather of the Green Sunfish Association. Unless someone has a better idea.

Many things come to mind, but I'm waiting until after mid April out of respect for our misguided compadre's work load and job security. I'm not sure he could adequately defend himself. On the Pond Boss Forum, it just ain't sporting to shoot a fish in a barrel.
Posted By: ewest Re: Mount Rushmore of Pond Management - 02/23/09 12:44 AM
Here are a few to think about

Mike Otto - if you can't build a pond the rest does not matter.

Dave Willis - I could list a couple pages of writings and honors on fisheries mgt.

William F. Childers - father of genetics on pond fish and mgt.

DAVID P. PHILIPP - prolific researcher and writer on pond fish genetics
Posted By: Dave Willis Re: Mount Rushmore of Pond Management - 02/23/09 01:00 AM
I got to spend a few days at Auburn University a couple of years ago. It was really a treat for me to be in Swingle Hall, after all I had heard about Swingle over the years. The Auburn folks told me the rest of the story. \:\)

Apparently, people did not really like Dr. Swingle very much. He was dictatorial. I think that he probably was a product of his time -- he did a lot of his work in the 30s and 40s. He actually was not a fisheries biologist. He was an entomologist; a bug guy. He truly thought he could help feed rural Alabama, especially with needed protein, if he could learn how to optimize the use of all those ponds. Just think of that scenario, and compare it with the topics we discuss today on our Pond Boss Forum!!

I just wrote this because I thought people might be interested. I'm not really trying to make a sales pitch or anything....... \:\)
Posted By: Bill Cody Re: Mount Rushmore of Pond Management - 02/23/09 01:37 AM
I also like George Bennett past head Aquatic Biology section Ill Nat Hist Survey and Professor of Zoology Univ IL and author of Management of Lakes and Ponds.
Posted By: TOM G Re: Mount Rushmore of Pond Management - 02/23/09 08:52 AM
If we have our own rushmore,why cant we have more than 4 heads.Who says we have to conform.I vote Tan for one of the spots
Posted By: CJBS2003 Re: Mount Rushmore of Pond Management - 02/23/09 09:48 AM
How about Bill Cody himself...
Posted By: jeffhasapond Re: Mount Rushmore of Pond Management - 02/23/09 04:03 PM
The fact that my name is even mentioned amongst this fine collection of scholars is further proof that we have a very intelligent collection of pond meisters here on Pond Boss, or I guess it could be interpreted as some form of mass delusional hysteria, either way it's all good. But I regret to inform you that I shall humbly remove my name from this list of scholars as others might be slightly more deserving than I.

But this topic did get me thinking and I do believe for all that I have contributed to the betterment of the almighty green sunfish that I, JHAP, should have a separate sculpture. Sort of along the lines of the the Crazy Horse sculpture that is currently being created. I envision myself riding on the back of a courageous green sunfish with a shining shield that bears the magnificent GSA logo in my left hand and a raised sword in my right hand. A tribute to me for all that I have done and will do for the betterment of Pond Kind. You guys should probably get started on this.
Posted By: jeffhasapond Re: Mount Rushmore of Pond Management - 02/23/09 04:07 PM
Oh and while we're on this subject, Homer Swingle already has his own hall AND his own TV cartoon series, why should he get a stupid, stupid statue?
Posted By: Theo Gallus Re: Mount Rushmore of Pond Management - 02/23/09 04:18 PM
JHAP, given the number of excellent pond management names being proposed for the front, I have shifted my goal towards getting the likes of you, me, and Tom G carved into the backside of the PM Mount Rushmore.
Posted By: jeffhasapond Re: Mount Rushmore of Pond Management - 02/23/09 04:25 PM
Well I guess that's better than no statue, but I don't think we should give up so soon on the idea of a statue dedicated to me.

I hope that there is gonna be one big backside on this PM Mount Rushmore statue (that sounded a little weird) because I can think of many other images are worthy of being inscribed on a rear end including: Brettski; Yolk; Rainman; Bruce Condello and that's just four that I could instantly think of.
Posted By: jeffhasapond Re: Mount Rushmore of Pond Management - 02/23/09 04:53 PM
Now that I have given this even more thought I don't believe that Bruce should be on the backside of the statue. We could have a really, really long arm that is dedicated to him instead and that would make more room for some other folks that are back side worthy such as Sunil.
Posted By: Dave Willis Re: Mount Rushmore of Pond Management - 02/23/09 04:58 PM
Sorry, JHAP. I just knew this would be a "touchy" issue, but didn't know how to avoid it. \:\)
Posted By: jeffhasapond Re: Mount Rushmore of Pond Management - 02/23/09 08:27 PM
It's Okay Dr. Dave.

I still haven't given up on the idea of my own statue. Besides I guess being on the backside of Mt Pondmore (kinda catchy name ain't it?) is better than nothing. Besides at least no one proposed that I get carved into the backside of a donkey statue.

Hold on a second, this wouldn't be a donkey statue would it guys?

lets put this in perspective:

Posted By: TOM G Re: Mount Rushmore of Pond Management - 02/24/09 08:59 AM
And this is where you're gonna put me for all eternity?How will I be recognized?And where is the donkey your gonna carve JHAP on?
Posted By: jeffhasapond Re: Mount Rushmore of Pond Management - 02/24/09 02:48 PM
LOL, DIED that is a great photo.

Don't worry Tom, I'm guessing the visitor's center will have and identification sign and one of those pay telescopes things so that folks can get a close up view.
Posted By: rmedgar Re: Mount Rushmore of Pond Management - 02/24/09 04:32 PM

""Don't worry Tom, I'm guessing the visitor's center will have and identification sign and one of those pay telescopes things so that folks can get a close up view.""

...and I'll just bet Dr. Coldpaws will give you a group rate on prostate exams...
Posted By: Bruce Condello Re: Mount Rushmore of Pond Management - 04/26/13 01:33 PM
Originally Posted By: CJBS2003
How about Bill Cody himself...

I can see that. smile
Posted By: jeffhasapond Re: Mount Rushmore of Pond Management - 04/26/13 05:08 PM
I never got my statue.

Damn budget cuts.
Posted By: JKB Re: Mount Rushmore of Pond Management - 04/26/13 07:55 PM
Originally Posted By: jeffhasapond
I never got my statue.

I have one, so they say wink
Posted By: Bob-O Re: Mount Rushmore of Pond Management - 05/03/13 05:40 PM
How bout Cecil and Bill having a nose to nose discussion about the shape of fish cages?
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