Pond Boss
Posted By: deaner BOATING ACCIDENT - 08/26/09 02:14 PM
My neighbor the Webbs lost a son in a boating accident Saturday evening. The other son is in the south Alabama hospital and is not faring really great. They thought they would bring him out of an induced coma yesterday as I was informed. He is coming out slowly at this time but his ribs on the right side were broken, puctured lung, double fracture on upper right arm, and other broken bones. The parents are holding off on the deceased sons funeral and hope their other son will come around and be able to attend the service. Probably will not happen. Our NEIGHBORS HELPING NEIGHBORS organization were able last night at a meeting to raise some cash to help them thru part of this situation. I see them as needing lots more help so they can hold on to their possessions. They are both not working and they are younger with the economy already dealing them a hugh blow.
Posted By: deaner Re: BOATING ACCIDENT - 08/26/09 02:21 PM
I live next door to the Webbs. Their address is
Todd Webb
1113 highway 29
Wiggins Mississippi 39577
Todd is still in the stage of denial and is hard to help. I feel most men fall in this catagory. I must state I know their needs and it is showing. He would not be happy with me if he knew I made this statment. I am picking up their mail , taking care of their dog and etc. Borrowing money is not the answer to their immediate situation. Please evaluate this and see how you can help?
Posted By: davatsa Re: BOATING ACCIDENT - 08/26/09 02:30 PM
I will certainly pray for Todd Webb, his wife, and the rest of the family...especially the remaining son.

I'm so sorry for their tragic loss.
Posted By: Rainman Re: BOATING ACCIDENT - 08/26/09 06:48 PM
Boat crashes rarely end well!! We'll be praying!
Posted By: rmedgar Re: BOATING ACCIDENT - 08/27/09 02:15 AM
Paul, if we wanted to send a little money, should we use that address, and who should we make the check to?
Posted By: deaner Re: BOATING ACCIDENT - 08/27/09 03:40 PM
Send money and etc.
Todd Webb
1113 Highway 29
Wiggins Ms. 39577
They are very good people and will not ask for help. I am fortunate to know the full situation and they do need help. Without the help of others they may go down. I have dug deep in my pocket to help directly thru another organization so they will not know that I gave. Sometimes we are just too proud.
Posted By: deaner Re: BOATING ACCIDENT - 08/28/09 02:48 PM
As of today the son Shane is still in a coma. The doctors have tried to bring him out but it is not happening. As I understand MIGHT happen is he will be flown to Birmingham on ABOUT Monday.
We have talked to both Todd and Candice concering Shawn. Some times we will get different answers but I accept this as the pressure is very heavy.
Posted By: Dave Davidson1 Re: BOATING ACCIDENT - 08/28/09 10:36 PM
Prayers still coming.
Posted By: 2catmom Re: BOATING ACCIDENT - 08/29/09 12:46 PM
Oh how awful:
I will send something. Neighbors helping neighbors is the best. We don't have a lot of that always up here in the north. My family hails from Tennessee, and I am always telling people here how they do things right down south. I wish we had that spirit more up here. I have it in my heart and am grateful for that heritage. Thanks Deaner for giving me the opportunity to reach out.
Posted By: esshup Re: BOATING ACCIDENT - 08/29/09 02:53 PM

What happened to the driver of the other boat?
Posted By: deaner Re: BOATING ACCIDENT - 08/29/09 03:37 PM
He tested 0.25 for legal blood alcohol limit. The maximum for what he is presently charged is 50 years. He remains in jail under a $250,000 bond. Shane woke up yesterday and spoke lightly with his mother and father. He was difficult to understand but they were able to tell what he was saying. The parents remain by his side and are preparing for him to be relocated the earliest part of this next week.They will come home about Sunday to pick up a few items of need . Mean while They are preparing to have the funeral of Chris. The salt water is breaking down the body chemicals so they must do it now. They have not informed Shane about what happened to his brother. Chris funeral is in Biloxi on Tuesday. Yes Todd and Candy are in need. Next week they will be in a hospital in central Alabama. Their expenses keep mouting but they must take care of Shane. I am involved with another organization which will give them help. Just keep in mind our help is not enough to carry them thru. We will be watching them so if they need medical attention we can get it for them. Any help will be appreciated.
Posted By: deaner Re: BOATING ACCIDENT - 08/30/09 02:09 PM
The father and mother came home late last night and were gone early this morning just after day light. We met with them to discuss things needing attention and above all to get a report on Shane. They had received a small amount of money for the Tuesday burial. The mother is taking this very hard as their son is not coming around like is wanted. The son is not doing very good, but that is too be expected. Meaning there needs to be a healing time. I have another source that I expect to help them in this financial need. It seems like their needs are like throwing money in a hole. They are good people and worth the effort. They ask for nothing and they expect nothing. They will try to dig their selves out of this hole. I really want my friends and acquaintances to help also. please---thank you
Posted By: deaner Re: BOATING ACCIDENT - 08/31/09 02:47 PM
They--the Webbs have been a little down because of little improvement in Shanes condition. The word today is he moved his lip ever so slightly. We do our bests in passing along all the information frome her and still attempt to keep her up beat. This evening is the wake for Christ and tomorrow the funeral. We have lots of our people going to the wake this evening and tomorrows funeral we have lots of local. Swine flu has touched one couple and I suggested they stay home for a week so it can not be spread. I am not extremely knowledgable on this so it is only a suggestion.
Posted By: deaner Re: BOATING ACCIDENT - 09/01/09 09:47 PM
Randy, it is people like you that really make a difference. Chris funeral was today and there was extra heavy turn out.Shane went in about 2 am for emergency operation. He had air in the abdomen.I must say his improvement is oh so slight to none at this point. When he went in last night for the emergency operation he was running a temperature.The funeral was moved up again because of the body condition. Shane was my buddy fisherman so i came to know him well.He used to help me drive off the birds and if he did not handle his gun properly we had a pleasant talk.
Posted By: deaner Re: BOATING ACCIDENT - 09/03/09 02:54 PM
Yesterday the Candice Webb telephoned and was crying so hard it was difficult to make out the message. My fishing partner, Shane had a trach installed in his throat. He has a build up of fluid in the lungs. My fishing pardner is not that strong now so prayers, thoughts and word of encouragement will be accepted. Prayers can do wonders and they are needed. Yesterday I mowed all day so last night I was awake a lot, 77 years is showing. But I will do my best for a wonderful family. We are working on a fund raiser as it is more serious than I desire to let be known. The date and place is coming. Thanks POND BOSS.
Posted By: deaner Re: BOATING ACCIDENT - 09/04/09 02:28 PM
As of yesterday they could not get the trach installed as he has become weaker and unstable. His temperature is 102.5. His stomach is continues to bloat from air or gas. If they do not get this corrected he will have a difficult time. I am not second guessing the doctors as they know his condition better than I. More prayers and good thoughts are needed. thanks
Posted By: rmedgar Re: BOATING ACCIDENT - 09/04/09 07:11 PM
Paul, I'm so sorry for Shane and especially his parents - this is the absolute worst nightmare for a parent - as the father of 2 boys
of similar ages, I can't imagine what they are going through.
I will continue to pray for Shane and his parents.
You're a good man for being so helpful in their time of need.
Posted By: deaner Re: BOATING ACCIDENT - 09/05/09 03:58 PM
Shane woke up yesterday and they scheduled his trach installation in the afternoon late. Shane squeezed his mothers hand and stuck out his tongue wanting a drink. This has been extremely difficult for all and more so for the parents. We managed to talk about money with Candice yesterday and she has been in contact with some and has the paying of bills reduced but that is just the small part---they are in a crunch in this area.I have managed to have a few that will help and this is appreciated. I will do my part also. There is a need for money. I need to say it is a joy to help these people and they appreciate it very much.
Posted By: burgermeister Re: BOATING ACCIDENT - 09/05/09 05:20 PM
No way to imagine the grief being felt by these parents and their loved ones. Since I am not attending the conf. this year, I will send a donation to help the parents with their immediate needs which are many. I will request that they dont use it to help try and pay off the staggering debt; there is enough tax money collected to take care of these sorts of tragic occurances. Maybe launch one less space probe of the 7th planet from the sun or some distant star which has long been extinguished.
Posted By: deaner Re: BOATING ACCIDENT - 09/06/09 04:08 PM
Todd came by home yesterday, this is the first time I had seen him for a while. We set down and discussed other hospitals and how he would rate the present hospital in Alabama. My lady and I have not felt comfortable with Shanes treatment. Referring to his going down after an operation. This is a teaching hospital and they do not talk very much, they will take off if the Webbs approach. We talked about forcing the hospital to be accountable by demanding answers and if they are guilty in either manner to own up to it and correct their errors. The doctors do not converse as they should and are unaware of what they are to do in the way of care and operations. Prayers and what ever you can spare is needed. thanks
Posted By: 2catmom Re: BOATING ACCIDENT - 09/07/09 03:12 AM
Deaner: I sent a small check to the Todds. I call the hospital system the black hole vortex that none of us want to get caught up in. I got a big education caring for my mom and my in-laws. I was so disturbed that I moved within 3 months of my mom's passing just to make sure I didn't ever get taken to the "top notch" hospital near my home.
I also learned that your choices at your end of life are influenced by your weight: if small and light you might get to stay in you own home, if large and difficult to move, your choices are limited.
Posted By: deaner Re: BOATING ACCIDENT - 09/07/09 02:42 PM
2catmom and burgermeister thanks so much for the help you are giving the Todd Webbs. The webbs are what I consider real people and it was expressed to me 2 days ago by Todd that they will not accept any money beyond their expenses. We discussed in detail before starting this fund raiser and/or donation so we would all be on the same page. These people are what I call a cut above many. If the monies should become more than needed they will shut it off and pass on what is left over. When and if Shane is moved to Jackson Mississippi to the hospital there they will need to be there 24 hours a day as I understand.
Posted By: deaner Re: BOATING ACCIDENT - 09/08/09 02:31 PM
I have been asking around about the John Hopkins hospital to see if they could possibly take Shane with his parents permission. My brother answered me that they are doing so but I lost his e mail. Our e mail service is terrible , we can not pull them up to read the message. I ask a lot from the POND BOSS people because they are more knowledgable (sp) and where else could I go? I have talked to the parents lightly and I did get a good response. Naturally they are more open and ask me where will the money come from? I fully don't know, but I feel we are losing the battle and we need positive and good people doing this job. You have not read here that I have all the answers because I do not. The family is appreciative of your help. Now I need feed back if this is possible?
Posted By: deaner Re: BOATING ACCIDENT - 09/08/09 05:08 PM
The family desired that we contact John Hopkins which we have done. This is one area that we are not comfortable as we do not know anyone. We have made the contact and passed that number on to Shanes mother. Shanes Doctor will call the number we have obtained and then if Hopkins says yes they will work on transportation. Has anyone any helpful ideas? Our concern is that this young man survive and is able to be on his own. As of now it is not looking positive. As always I am open to new ideas.
Posted By: Omaha Re: BOATING ACCIDENT - 09/08/09 05:21 PM
Deaner, I'm catching this late, sorry. I'm not sure what you're asking in your last post. You need help finding an email? Sorry, just not reading it right I guess. Anyway, this sounds really tough for this family and for their friends like you. Makes you feel helpless. But you're a great friend and neighbor in reaching out for help on their behalf. I'll send a check as well and will certainly keep this family in our thoughts and prayers. You've done a great job keeping this updated and I encourage you to do so.

Also, I wonder if the lack of traffic is because it's in a forum maybe not frequented as often? Could it be moved to attract more attention? Just throwing it out there. Seems like some other forums might get more traffic than this one.
Posted By: deaner Re: BOATING ACCIDENT - 09/08/09 09:11 PM
Trying to keep this all up to date. My desire is to obtain money for the parents and prayer. They really need the prayer, they are worn out and it does no good to ask them to sleep in or what ever. Neither one is working and they worry a lot about bills and general expense. Shane is signaling what he wants but he is in bad shape. I feel there was a possibility of error in operations. John hopkins I felt could help them tremendously , but I put it to them as their idea and I just found the telephone number so their doctor could call There is a possibility he will be moved in the next two days according to the parents. Really good people.
Posted By: Omaha Re: BOATING ACCIDENT - 09/14/09 06:28 PM
Anymore updates deaner?
Posted By: 2catmom Re: BOATING ACCIDENT - 09/14/09 10:21 PM
I got a nice thank you card from the Webb family.
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