Pond Boss
Posted By: MarkECIN Ticks! Ticks! Ticks! - 04/26/09 11:18 AM
Well I spent 12 hours outside yesterday cleaning flower beds, trees, etc around yard and pond. I was hoping I would get by without one little visitor as we just started getting warm weather here. The mighty tick showed up!

Is there anything out there I can get to keep these nasty critters off me and out of my hair. I absolutely hate getting these on me and feel like once I find one they're crawling on me. Oh, how I hate ticks. Thanks.
Posted By: Brettski Re: Ticks! Ticks! Ticks! - 04/26/09 11:37 AM
Wow, ticks get alot of press on the PB forum. Unfortunately, I can see why...they are creepy little buggers.
Last year, we did not find a single one...none. It was really weird and unusual since we were working in the woods and brush alot all year. This year, yesterday, 2 for Dski and 1 for me.
I'm a regular on the TickBoss forum.
Posted By: STRIZZO Re: Ticks! Ticks! Ticks! - 04/26/09 02:54 PM
Mark, some derogatory things have been said about them on other threads, but I have always heard that guineas are the go to source for tick removal.
Posted By: MarkECIN Re: Ticks! Ticks! Ticks! - 04/26/09 03:28 PM
I just read where OFF with DEET works...to take a little and rub in your hair and neck/ear areas (not face) and down by your pants. by your feet. I have really long hair so I must have brushed agsint something. Also, I thought about it, my hubby drug me to go mushroom hunting in the morning (no luck); maybe I picked it up there. I told him no more mushroom hunting for me. \:\) Going work in the yard again...i am so deadly afraid of ticks on me, more than any bugs out there.
Posted By: Dave Davidson1 Re: Ticks! Ticks! Ticks! - 04/27/09 01:55 AM
Most of our ticks dried up and blew away. I'm a fatalist. It's either bug bites or concrete in town.
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