Pond Boss
Posted By: teehjaeh57 SNUBA! - 05/03/10 04:50 PM
I am interested in checking out my SMB beds to determine if there's any nesting pairs and try to film it, and also to check out the activity in general on the ponds. Snorkeling prevents one for going deep enough, and I'm not about to invest in Scuba gear for this project. I have researched the SNUBA to some extent, and it sounds like a perfect solution for me, but I can't find any equipment, anywhere. Does anyone have any experience with Snuba-ing and where a guy could source this equipment? Also, any good suggestions on affordable but quality underwater video cameras?

Thanks in advance!

Posted By: Todd3138 Re: SNUBA! - 05/03/10 08:28 PM
SNUBA? I think you just made that up! laugh
Posted By: Todd3138 Re: SNUBA! - 05/03/10 08:31 PM
Alright, just messin' with ya! Seriously, you start with a bathing suit like this:

Posted By: Omaha Re: SNUBA! - 05/03/10 08:37 PM
TJ, I think I'm finding what you're finding. The "official" snuba site explicitly states that Snuba equipment is not for sale and that you can only Snuba with an authorized Snuba dealer. That sucks because that sounds really cool and would be really neat to use in a small pond.
Posted By: adirondack pond Re: SNUBA! - 05/03/10 11:49 PM
TJ is this what your looking for.
Posted By: teehjaeh57 Re: SNUBA! - 05/03/10 11:58 PM
Yes, that is it! Nice work AP. Really all I need is a snorkel tube thingy with a 10' hose attached to the end of the snorkel that then runs up to a floating device where it can access air. Just a very long snorkel, essentially. Wonder if something like that would be difficult to make?
Posted By: adirondack pond Re: SNUBA! - 05/04/10 12:54 AM
TJ unlike a short snorkel tube, I think a long hose attached to your snorkel would not let you expel all those nasty greenhouse gases before you took the next breath.

But al gore wouldn't mind. whistle
Posted By: esshup Re: SNUBA! - 05/04/10 01:56 AM
It wouldn't be hard to make, and it might work if you could remember to exhale in the water and only inhale thru the tube.

I hear that you have to wear a bikini when using it tho.... grin
Posted By: Todd3138 Re: SNUBA! - 05/04/10 02:50 AM
Actually, TJ, a long snorkel alone would not do the trick. You wouldn't be able to draw or expel enough air/breath to make it work without a mechanical aid, such as the compressor setup AP posted. Once you get below a couple of feet, the breathing effort will get more difficult and only get worse as you go deeper. You'd definitely need a device of some sort to assist the breathing effort and allow for sufficient intake/exhalation. Plus, there are a handful of SCUBA principles you should be very cautious about when using any outside air source to breathe while underwater. Most folks don't realize it, but the greatest atmospheric pressure changes in diving occur in the first 33 feet. In other words, the most risk of physiological harm comes when you screw up in that depth range.
Posted By: teehjaeh57 Re: SNUBA! - 05/04/10 03:01 AM
Gee whiz everything I ever want to do costs $1000+
Posted By: esshup Re: SNUBA! - 05/04/10 03:09 AM
I can just imagine a seagull or heron landing on the floating snorkle part....... laugh
Posted By: JKB Re: SNUBA! - 05/04/10 03:37 AM
"Yes, that is it! Nice work AP. Really all I need is a snorkel tube thingy with a 10' hose attached to the end of the snorkel that then runs up to a floating device where it can access air. Just a very long snorkel, essentially. Wonder if something like that would be difficult to make?"

Ask Jethro Tull about it. History may be repeating itself right here laugh
Posted By: teehjaeh57 Re: SNUBA! - 05/04/10 03:39 AM
I already have locamomtive breath.
Posted By: adirondack pond Re: SNUBA! - 05/04/10 12:20 PM
You could always get one of these. cool
Posted By: rcn11thacr Re: SNUBA! - 05/04/10 12:30 PM
I Bet that re-breather would cost at least 1k.

And its not real, go figure.
Posted By: Al Davison Re: SNUBA! - 05/04/10 12:52 PM
quote=teehjaeh57 "Gee whiz everything I ever want to do costs $1000+"

I might just make this my new signature. wink
Posted By: Omaha Re: SNUBA! - 05/04/10 12:53 PM
That's a winner Al. laugh
Posted By: jakeb Re: SNUBA! - 05/04/10 10:56 PM
I almost wonder that you would be better off to go ahead and get scuba gear and get certified lol.. Also you would not want to SNUBA alone, if the winds changed suddenly it could cause the exhaust from your compressor to go into the intake, and you wont realize your breathing in CO2 not O2, wont know anything is wrong and just breath more and more of it in. Until your 10 feet down and gasping for air.
Posted By: rcn11thacr Re: SNUBA! - 05/05/10 02:02 AM
What jkeb mentioned above happened on TV recently. American loggers, I believe it was. The lousiana swamp guy had one of these homemade setups and was down for a while. Came up aweful sick and gasping for breath at the same time. I think its only as safe as you make it, and a good dose of good ole common sense would go far.
Posted By: Rad Re: SNUBA! - 05/05/10 02:34 AM
I used a commercial (hobby grade) one for several years in a lagoon in Mexico. It was called a hookah, should be able to locate info Googling hookah diving gear. It had a pair of 30fot hoses and on demand regulators. That was back in the early 90s and was about $700.

The main hose hooked to a weight belt with a spiral hose leading to the regulator. It had a metal SCUBA flag mounted on the motor that acted as a sail to keep the intake/exhaust in proper alignment. The whole thing floated on a truck inner tube.

The whole rig weighted around 70 pounds and was easy to use.

It finally wound up being used when we cleaned the bottom of our boat.
Posted By: trialsguy Re: SNUBA! - 05/05/10 08:26 PM
I wonder with this set up the same rules of scuba gear would apply? Breathing the air from a scuba tank is compressed and the greater the depth greater the risk of getting narc,

Found this on a google search

Many sport divers consider the "high" associated with Nitrogen Narcosis to be a desirable event. I have to admit that I like it too. In fact, sometimes it brings me back to the good 'ol days of the late 70's and early 80's when life was simple. Most of you know what I mean... But, let's consider some of the dangers associated with breathing compressed air at depths below 80 feet.

The Basic Scuba Diver Course teaches that as the pressure increases the volume of the breathable air decreases and its density increases. This increase in density is the basis for the dive tables. The human body is allowed to absorb more Oxygen and more Nitrogen than it normally would at the surface. The Oxygen is a good thing - we feel great. However, the nitrogen is physiologically inert (meaning it is not metabolized - the body doesn't use it or need it to survive). However, it is absorbed in all body tissues and therefore has an affect on the body. When excess nitrogen is absorbed into the cerebral tissues (the brain) it interferes with the nervous system. The more nitrogen present, the greater loss of performance. The results are impairment of intellectual capacity, degradation of neuromuscular performance, and changes in mood and behavior.

Since its not compressed in your tank on your back but being pumped down a line to your regulator. Could be though through any means the air would compress in the line increasing your oxygen and nitrogen levels.

Its really not all that expensive to become a recreational open water diver, probably 500 bucks and you can rent your tank and bc for around 50 bucks a weekend if I remember right, plus its fun. My family are all certified although we haven't been on a dive in a few years and need a refresher course when we plan a tropical vacation here in the next year or so.
Posted By: andedammen Re: SNUBA! - 05/23/10 06:55 PM
I bought one of this for my son 6 years ago.
Its been a great hit that we all play with(the hole family)
I'w had to buy another and 4 spare batterys.
You can easely go down to 30 feet or more, colect oysters, crabs take pics, or wathever without scuba tank.
It has now problems draging 2 grown persons, I can higly recomend this as a super toy and tool.
Battery last for aprox 1 houer full speed, here they are delliverd with 2 as a standard.

Posted By: Dave Davidson1 Re: SNUBA! - 05/24/10 01:45 AM
Paul that's a neat toy. I watched the video. And, the most expensive one is only about $800.
Posted By: jakeb Re: SNUBA! - 05/24/10 01:52 AM
I have to agree that looks cool. I also checked it out, my Christmas List Grows!
Posted By: Greg Grimes Re: SNUBA! - 05/24/10 12:34 PM
TJ, on our honeymoon in Mexico the wife and I did Snuba very expensive setup I would think. She said no way would she scuba dive. Im certified. She loved the snuba so much she went on to do a resort course and dove with me. Since we have dove in four locations, each time her taking the required resort course. I think the plan now is to become certified as Wyatt gets older. So yes Snuba seems cool but limits where you go (ok for ponds) but not something for private individuals. Unless of course you plan to open up snuba on your pond and charge $20/p/p to view your fish underwater. Nate might want to look into as a biz proposition though.
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