Pond Boss
Posted By: Zgrig81 Green floating algae and a thin film on top - 07/05/18 01:14 PM
I have a 1/4 acre pond with a diffuser in the deepest spot ,I’ve added some crystal blue dye ,it’s stocked with 100 hbg 40 cc and 6 White amurs ,on the shallow end it ranges from 2-4 feet and has a lot of chara growing in it ,I’ve been raking and removing as much as I can and the debri from that has caused some green floating algae and a thin film layer on the surface of the water ,I’ve been getting in and raking out as much as I can everyday ,I’m going to add some more dye this weekend and purchased some bacteria that’s supposed to help digest some of the muchk and decaying debris ,my question is ,is there something else that would help I’ve looked into cutrine but still am unsure
Your Grass carp are probably starving since they don't eat, and can't digest, FA or chara. Add 15-20 pounds of Tilapia. Tilapia will focus on the FA and chara first, then begin consuming the organic muck on the bottom. You could even add 30-40 pounds since it is late in the season fo more cleanup yet this year.

FWIW, I'd strongly consider taking out 3 or 4 of the white amur...that is just too many for a quarter acre.
Thank you for the advice ,I forget to mention there were 11 pounds of tilapia added on June 1 along with the amurs ,they amurs have doubled in size since then so they must be eating something,I added more to try and get it under control faster with plans to move them when that happened
I think I have read here that chara tends to grow chara babies from fragments after it is disturbed and broken up. If I am correct, I would like to here from our experts if leaving the raking out of the picture might be best since the TP are already in play.
I’ve read that as well ,I’ve just been raking whatever is floating trying not to disturb the rest ,this pond was left alone for many years just trying to bring it back under control
I'm no expert at all, but I do recall that some type of grass carp seemed to control the chara in a 22 acre private lake I fished in Ohio. No TP that I'm aware of in that case. However, these were the type of carp that would leap out of the water at the sound of an electric motor! shocked

I've also fished in twin Texas lakes, one where TP had been stocked and one in which TP had never been. Result: FA were a minor nuisance in TP country,but dominated the other lake.
These are Triploid white Amur ,a friend down the road owns a golf course and stocks 50 per acre to keep them perfectly groomed ,they seem to work here for the chara but this pond hasn’t had any in 8 years so it’s gotten out of control, the tilapia help but I believe I should’ve stocked more
Interesting. I don't recall grass carp in other BOW behaving that way, quite startling when a 30 lb fish leaps & crashes in the water close to you!
Have seen (after I warned them) people seining from boat and wading being hit by 30 lb leaping GC. These were standard stocked GC. When scared or cornered by net they try to jump the net. One guy was hit in ribs and knocked from the boat. 4 broken ribs.
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