Pond Boss
Posted By: kelly killing milfoil - 02/08/03 12:52 PM
I have an five acre pond in southern Kansas with the average depth of six feet.In the summer the milfoil is so thick that you can't fish.I've heard to use 1 gallon of Reward and 1 gallon of Cutrine Plus mixed with 20 gallons of water and spray on to surface to kill.Is this the best way to go or is there an better way?And what is the earliest I can treat this weed?
Posted By: Jim Re: killing milfoil - 02/08/03 08:24 PM
Kelly: As a new member, you may not be aware that there is a ton of info previously posted on this topic. Why don't you review the info already discussed, I suspect it will answer a lot of your questions without having to wait for an answer. After that you may be able to ask more specific questions. Good luck!
Posted By: Robert B Re: killing milfoil - 02/08/03 10:41 PM
I have had great succes using a granular 2-4-D product. Application rate is about 100-150 lbs per surface acre. At this concentration, it is very specific to milfoil and will allow other native plants present to regain a foothold. This has worked great in many lakes here in Wisconsin and Illinois. fishmgr@hotmail.com
Posted By: Mike Robinson Re: killing milfoil - 02/09/03 11:38 AM
Robert, do you have experience treating Eurasian Water Milfoil or Curly-leaf Pondweed with fluridone during the winter (under the ice)?
Posted By: Robert B Re: killing milfoil - 02/11/03 04:42 PM
Mike, we haven't done it alot, but have been successful with it. I have recently talked with the Sonar Rep., and he talked about how the stratification actually keeps the chemical in the surface layer and would decrease the application rate. Also that any decomposition that takes place will happen more slowly and not contribute to BOD to the same extent that occurs in the summer. Rates would be 5-10 ppb. The cool water growth of both plants contributes to the winter success. By the way, thanks for the new prices. I have shared these with the other guys.
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