Pond Boss
Posted By: jdg Watermeal.... Seriously - 05/26/09 02:01 AM
This stuff is amazing!! In a bad way. The advice I recieved from a local expert was Sonar, but at $400 huny I have to believe there is a better way.
If anyone has any experience with this deadly flower please help me out.

I think the watermeal is worse than the Greensunfish problem I have... \:\)
Posted By: Shawn Banks Re: Watermeal.... Seriously - 05/26/09 03:43 AM

The advice you got was sound. Watermaeal is a real toughie to eradicate. For a somewhat lesser expense, you can get a "generic" form of Sonar called Whitecap. It, too, contains flouridone which is the active ingredient in Sonar.

I wish there was a better way, but it is what is.
Posted By: Greg Grimes Re: Watermeal.... Seriously - 05/26/09 11:26 AM
IN fact jdg you can buy whitecap from Shawn since he did not mention that.
Posted By: jdg Re: Watermeal.... Seriously - 05/26/09 01:29 PM
give me a price on the white cap, Shawn
Posted By: trialsguy Re: Watermeal.... Seriously - 05/27/09 01:23 PM
I went from this
To this by using Sonar, I messed around with other junk but sonar was the only thing that was a available to rid me of my water meal and duckweed, I wouldn't hesitate to use it again even at 400 bucks

Posted By: jdg Re: Watermeal.... Seriously - 05/27/09 04:30 PM
Wow, Trailsguy,
That is pretty impressive. What size is your pond? How did you apply the sonar?

The only hesitation that I have is.. Is it only a 1 year deal or will it last for multiple seasons??

Last question: Will it attack the algae problem as well?
Posted By: trialsguy Re: Watermeal.... Seriously - 05/27/09 05:50 PM
I have at full pool a 1/3 acre pond, I cant seem to find the guys name that applied the sonar, a local guy which is terrible because I talked to him a few times and have recommended him a time or two. Seems like it was Shane of clear ponds but that may be way off. If I remember he used 11 ounces first application and 9 ounces the second application. I paid cash and I am thinking that it was 200 bucks a pop which was a good deal for me. I was prepared to pay that every year if I needed too but so far since 2006 It hasn't returned short of a small grow on a floating island that I had that a heron brought it. I removed the island and I haven't seen it since. I dont know about the algae control but I also have used cutrine plus for some of that stuff. I found a couple more pictures from previous post here I forgot to mention that he used a sprayer and sprayed the edged of the water and then the middle from shore. The pond was dead without fish so we weren't too worried about a fish kill of any kind, I think about 2 weeks later he applied the second. I was very Leary that it wasn't going to work as it took a little while but then things started changing. good luck
Posted By: RileyS Re: Watermeal.... Seriously - 05/28/09 03:30 PM
Great pictures, I have used Sonar AS numerous times with the same success. Sonar will not touch algae but it does a wonderful job on weeds. For most weeds you can get 2 to 5 years control with one application of Sonar AS.
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