Pond Boss
Posted By: MrSandman What's the Weed? - 08/26/10 07:10 PM
I've been trying to reestablish plants in my 6 acre pond because the water is too murky and green. All but phytoplankton was wiped out by overstocking triploid grass carp 21 years ago (and some still survive). So, I fenced off a tiny bay and planted water lilies, native elodea, and hornwort (coontail) protected from the GC. In addition to those I planted, I now see plenty of American pond weed, chara, and something that sort of resembles chara. Despite diligent efforts, I've been unable to identify this plant. Here are some photos. Maybe someone can tell me what it is. Thanks!

Posted By: esshup Re: What's the Weed? - 08/27/10 01:56 AM
I'm going to venture that it's in the Potamogetonaceae family, but one of the experts will have to narrow it down further than that. Bill, Kelly, Buehler????
Posted By: MrSandman Re: What's the Weed? - 08/27/10 03:36 AM
Esshup, thanks! I forgot to mention that these weeds produce a very tiny spiked flower. They poke up just above the surface of the water. They are barely visible in these photos though.
Posted By: esshup Re: What's the Weed? - 08/27/10 04:32 AM
Look at this thread in the archives. Follow the links and you might be able to figure out what it is before the experts weigh in.
Posted By: Kelly Duffie Re: What's the Weed? - 08/27/10 04:38 AM
The pictures are relatively decent, but miss two ingredients necessary for accurate ID: a single plant laying sprawled on a high-contrast background & something for referencing the plant's physical size (a quarter works great).
Based on your posted images, I'd guess Potamogeton pusillus - aka "slender pondweed" - but not 100% certain, with sago pondweed also being a possibility.
Posted By: MrSandman Re: What's the Weed? - 08/28/10 04:13 PM
esshup, that thread is excellent. My weed looks most almost exactly like sago pondweed in the photo on that site. It could also be small pondweed (pusillus) or narrow leaf (strictifolius). I'm glad that it isn't some form of algae. I treat the lake with Cutrine Plus occasionally to keep down the phytoplankton, and I wouldn't want to eliminate the more beneficial plants which could clear the water.

Kelly, I've tried hard to separate out a single plant but it's impossible. They are all intertwined and come out in mass. I'm pretty satisfied that what I have is some type of Potamogeton though, and that's good. Thank you for all your help! Here is an example of what too many grass carp will do to water quality:

Next are photos of the weeds I can't absolutely ID, complete with a quarter for size reference:

Posted By: teehjaeh57 Re: What's the Weed? - 08/28/10 04:28 PM

I too have multiple species of pondweed in my ponds, sago, american, horned, maybe some others. It's a beneficial plant, invertabrates and YOY fish love it, and you can KINDA fish through it with a light jig without getting hung up unlike other forms of vegetation. I'd encourage you to keep it around and watch your BOW improve.

Have you considered removal of your GC in order to allow the vegetation to proliferate?
Posted By: MrSandman Re: What's the Weed? - 08/28/10 11:16 PM
Tee, I agree. Pondweeds would be great. I used to have an abundance of them. It would be an enjoyable challenge to be fishing over, through and around weeds again. I've tried fishing for the GC with corn, celery, lettuce, cherry tomatoes, worms, you name it. I even hired a gunman! My neighbors know that there is a bounty of $25 a head on them. No luck. There are probably only a dozen or so left, and they're very hard to spot before they flee. I usually scare them up while fishing.

My hope is to reestablish enough weeds behind fences to see some improvement in water clarity; then eventually take the fences down. If there are enough plants, the GC won't be able to keep up with them.

Here are my other posts concerning my problems with GC if you're interested.


Posted By: Rainman Re: What's the Weed? - 08/28/10 11:24 PM
Get a shock survey done. GC will snap their own backs in the electrical charge. grin
Posted By: MrSandman Re: What's the Weed? - 08/29/10 01:31 AM
Rainman, really?!! I've never heard that shocking has such an effect. It's about the only thing I haven't tried yet. There may still be time yet this year to get it done. How would you go about finding a reputable electro shocker in my area (northern Ohio)?
Posted By: Kelly Duffie Re: What's the Weed? - 08/29/10 03:33 AM
At first glance, I would almost swear it is southern naiad (Najas guadalupensis), BUT the fruiting structure (circled) confirms it as Potomogeton pusillus .

Posted By: Magnolia Rick Re: What's the Weed? - 08/29/10 02:10 PM
Kelly thank for the e-mail. I think I'll just rake it out late next month. Little pond so it'll just take one weekend. like the other mention fingerling love it for shelter Grandkids hate it.
Posted By: MrSandman Re: What's the Weed? - 08/29/10 08:05 PM
Kelly, You did guess Potomogeton pusillus correctly then. Good job! It's interesting that when I go to the link Esshup suggested, the weed has not yet been reported to be in my county of Ohio (Lorain). It's in the neighboring county however. You should get full credit for the new discovery. Seriously, thanks for your help!

Posted By: Cecil Baird1 Re: What's the Weed? - 08/29/10 08:34 PM
I deal with Small Pondweed and Sago on a regular basis. Hopefully next year an application of Whitecap will eliminate it.

In my two production ponds I can drain and lime and it still comes back in full force. I need to go out and cut it down in my two production ponds but with the heat we have right not it's not a good idea physically.
Posted By: MrSandman Re: What's the Weed? - 08/29/10 08:47 PM
Cecil, I bet your ponds are nice and clear though (unlike mine). I'm wondering why you avoided using GC to control the weeds. Was it due to the difficulty of finding the right balance? That certainly was my problem. I wish I knew about Whitecap back when I decided to stock the GC.
Posted By: teehjaeh57 Re: What's the Weed? - 08/29/10 09:11 PM
Kelly - I'm thoroughly impressed by your knowledge of aquatic vegetation and thankful you have been spending more time of late helping direct us on issues that have us stumped. Thank you!
Posted By: ewest Re: What's the Weed? - 08/30/10 01:04 AM
You guys should get to know Kelly. A great guy with plant knowledge unmatched by anyone I know. Thanks Kelly for your help and support !
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