Pond Boss
Posted By: Frank McMinn weed control - 11/02/02 11:36 PM
Next spring I am considering using Sonar for weed
control, the first time. The pond is 5 acres average summer depth 10 feet. Springs and runoff fed water source, with supplimented well water, about 30,000 gallons per day. In the past I have used contact herbicides. Do you have any advice about the product Sonar, and precautions
Posted By: Bob Lusk Re: weed control - 11/08/02 11:27 PM
Sonar is an excellent choice. It isn't a contact killer, and must stay in contact with plants for a long time, up to 90 days, to allow proper uptake by the plant. With lots of water leaving, Sonar's efficiency will likely need to be boosted by additional treatments. Our best advice is to talk to the distributor where you intend to buy the product, have them put you in touch directly with a SePro rep, who will design a protocol specifically for your pond.
Posted By: Kelly Duffie Re: weed control - 11/10/02 01:18 PM
Frank - #1: What plant (weed) are you targeting? Bama has a variety. #2: What percentage of the pond does this plant occupy? #3: Since you're supplimenting your pond with well-water, is it safe to presume that your pond doesn't overflow? #4: What is your objective? (target-plant reduction? or virtual elimination?) #5: Are any desirable plants present? If so, identify them. ** Each of these questions come into play when evaluating ponds for a possible SONAR treatment. SONAR is truly a miracle product - but only when used to control susceptable species, under condusive conditions and within an overall management plan. Don't pull the trigger before your aim and objectives are certain.
Posted By: Frank McMinn Re: weed control - 11/28/02 09:29 PM
Dear Km Duffie, Thanks for your reply This will provide you with more detailed info about my pond objectives. First, I am located in California, the pond is 5 acres, fed by run-off, springs and supplimented with well water, no overflow. The purpose for the pond is fishing, large-mouth bass and bluegill.. In the summer the average depth is about 10 feet. Each spring the pond is treated with a combination of RoDeo and Cutrrine Plus, or Komeen The weed I have been having the most trouble with later in the summer is elodea, and I spot treat it with Rodeo. There is also coontail, parrot feather and chara present. I have never used Sonar but have been told that it's an effective control material, so I am considering applying it next spring, about two gallons, one application. I'm advised that a Sonar tech rep. will visit my pond, provide advice, etc. However, before proceeding
, I am looking for information about the product, and that's why I wrote Pond Boss. Thankyou inadvance for your help. fmcminn
Posted By: Frank McMinn Re: weed control - 11/28/02 09:34 PM
km. duffie. Sorry, I erred in the material used. It's not Rodeo, it's Reward and Cutrine Plus. fmcminn
Posted By: Greg Grimes Re: weed control - 11/29/02 06:13 PM
can you not stock grass carp in Cal.? if so it is much cheaper over the long haul than applying herbicides every year.
Posted By: Frank McMinn Re: weed control - 11/29/02 09:53 PM
Greg Grimes - thankyou.
I have never seen Grass Carp offered for sale by registered fish breeders in California , however I will check further on legality. Any suggestions, generally speaking, how many carp would be needed to keep a 5 acre pond under control with the weeds described. The pond is not a huge problem with weed growth. It's in good shape except for the elodea, and lesser degree the chara.
Posted By: JERRY CARTER Re: weed control - 12/01/02 08:13 AM
Posted By: Greg Grimes Re: weed control - 12/01/02 11:51 PM
If it is legal to stock grass carp either diploid or tripolid (white amur)I suggest about 25-50 in your 5 acre pond. If you are willing to wait and see 25 may work. My expereince is they do a great job on elodea but do not like chara as well. If you want to rid of both weeds next year stock 50. If at some point you fell you have too many have a blast catching these hard fighting fast growing fish. Believe it or not they are good table fare as well. Two concerns when stocking...if the water overflows the pond construct a fish barrier, they love flowing water. Also if you have large bass greater than 18 inches stock a minimum size of 10 and better 12 inch fish. Otherwise they will be expensive bass food.
Posted By: Greg Grimes Re: weed control - 12/01/02 11:59 PM
BTW I just looked it up you will have to purchase triploid grass carp in California
Posted By: redeye Re: weed control - 05/19/04 01:39 PM
On Grass carp - I have a 12 surface acre pond in NW PA and have stocked 160 Triploid White Amur last fall for weed control. So far the verdict is still out. Seems to be less weeds so far but to early yet to make the final determination. In PA you have to do an enviromental study and get a permit for the fish. They must be bought from certain dealers and be certified triploid. The other points brought up are critical. You must have a containment system if you have a good outlet flow. Also stock the largest fish you can afford. I put in 10-12" fish @ about $10 each.

If anybody is interested I let me know, I have before pictures of my pond, and containment device and will soon know how well the fish are doing to control the weeds.
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