Pond Boss
Posted By: mkling aeration system for 1/3 acre pond - 07/20/10 12:54 AM
My 5 acre pond work is done for now. I decided to start on some other ponds on the property. First I want to work on a 1/3rd acre 6 to 10' deep pond.
I plan on killing off the bullheads and snails to start. get an aerator going and possibly an automatic fish feeder. Right now I'm considering stocking just HBG and FHM. I may consider doing Walleye and Perch, but that may be better to try in one of the other ponds in the future.
Now, the reason I'm posting here. Anyone have suggestions for an aerator for this 1/3rd acre pond? I have no electricity and would prefer a solar powered system.
How many HBG and FHM can a pond this size handle?

Posted By: TPLM Re: aeration system for 1/3 acre pond - 07/23/10 04:27 AM
The solar aerator is a great idea. Most companies are still in the design and testing phase of solar powered aerators. The cost will be extremely high for the first units that are developed. If you are really interested in the solar aerators call up Aquatic Eco Systems 407-472-0520 and ask for a John Baylor he will be about a good of source as you can find for that technology at this point.

For a none electric aerator at this point the best option is going to be a windmill aerator. These systems can be extremely effective in a small shallow pond. However be warned that the windmill aerators will only be efficient when their is wind blowing. Here in Texas on hot summer days we could not be lucky enough to find a breeze much less wind. If you are interested in the windmill option you should contact Outdoor Water Solutions they manufacture every hight, color, and shape of wind powered aerators. They can also ship one to your house and you can build it yourself in about 3 hours.

At this point you may want to try also investigating getting electricity at pond or at least close enough to the pond to install the aerator. It would be the most efficient way to aerate at this time.
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