Pond Boss
Posted By: djstauder LMB feeding on pellets? - 03/09/15 01:25 PM
I've noticed 3 of my un-feedtrained LMB feeding on the aquamax largemouth pellets that I hand-feed the HSBs in my pond. this is highly unusual; is it because they're learning or does it have something to do with water temps and preparing for spawning that makes them less-picky on food source? Note water temps in low 60s yesterday
Posted By: Bill Cody Re: LMB feeding on pellets? - 03/09/15 01:39 PM
IMO each year class of fish has, as most all animals, natural variation of body features including what I will call brain power i.e. dumb ones to smart ones. The variation when graphed is generally in the shape of lower numbers at each end of the scale and higher numbers or individuals in the middle range aka bell shaped curve. What you are probable seeing are a few of the bass that are more easily trainable for eating fish pellets. My guess is your "smarter" pellet eating bass learned from watching other fish eat the pellets or by trial and error; likely a combination of both behaviors. These bass are also the likely ones of the very few in a year class that "learn" to never or only once bite a hook from watching others get jaw jerked.
Posted By: Lovnlivin Re: LMB feeding on pellets? - 03/09/15 01:39 PM
dj, I stocked 100 un-trained LMB at 6-8" in Sept of 2012 (2 acre pond) and little by little the LMB started showing up at feeding time. As of last Fall they're now between 2-3 lbs and always there to eat along with the HSB.

I guess I didn't realize it was that unusual?
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