Pond Boss
Posted By: wickedinhere Bo-jo fishing light - 07/20/07 09:45 PM
I was wondering if anyone has a bo-jo fishing light
this will be my second attempt at installing a bug wacking light. Some of you may remember my bugslugger solar setup it did work but for some reason my solar panels would not charge my battery up enough and there were water proofing problems with the bugslugger. The bo-jo looks like a solid light and i saw the video and it looks pretty good.
I dont have a dock so i am looking for ideas to hang it over the water from the bank. I was thinking of using a 4x4 hinged to another 4x4 on the bank so i could bring it back over land for maintence. ANY IDEAS ARE APPRECIATED. [img]http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:3-DInFWkx2-GtM:http://www.havefunfishing.com/images/bojo_bottomview.jpg[/img]
Posted By: trialsguy Re: Bo-jo fishing light - 07/20/07 10:01 PM
I have mine temporarily mounted to a 10' piece of uni strut that is zip tied to the rail of my dock but before that I used the same uni strut but I drove a 2x4 in the water about 3' out and cantilevered the bug wacker out from shore with a big rock as the ballast on the shore side. I plan on moving mine off the dock because last night the bugs were swarming thick and were double stacked to get wacked and I couldnt enjoy my beverage as well as I would of liked. On the other hand my FHM and a few HBG were getting there bellies full.

I havent had a issue with water proofing yet, what type of problem have you ran into?
Posted By: wickedinhere Re: Bo-jo fishing light - 07/20/07 10:13 PM
The problem i had with my bugslugger is where the wire went into the top it would leak and fill the bugslugger up with water. It would then short out the motor and lights. Trialsguy did you have the bugslugger or another name brand bug wacker?
Posted By: Greg Grimes Re: Bo-jo fishing light - 07/20/07 10:55 PM
Ironic I saw this thread. I literally just took one off the UPS truck. I will try it out to see if it is something I want to sell.
Posted By: wickedinhere Re: Bo-jo fishing light - 07/20/07 11:54 PM
Hey greg you think you could post some pics i cant seem to find any upclose pics online.
Posted By: TOM G Re: Bo-jo fishing light - 07/22/07 12:42 PM
Wicked,Im just curios.Why did you run the wire out the top instead of the bottom,and did you think about sealing it with silicone to stop the leak?Im going to do a search on buglites,hope someone posted pics so I can try to make one also.
Tom G
Posted By: Beau Re: Bo-jo fishing light - 07/22/07 01:26 PM
Hey guys, I ran across this thread a while back. Take a look.

Posted By: wickedinhere Re: Bo-jo fishing light - 07/22/07 04:55 PM
Tom i bought the bugslugger i didnt make it. The wire entered the top thats how it was built.The water destroyed the bugslugger i did have a second one that i did seal up but my solar system didnt function correctly so i scraped the project. I just wanted to clear one thing up "bugslugger" is the actual name of the bug light that i bought. I now have power to my pond thats why i am starting this project again when i receive it i will figure out how i am going to hang it over the water.
Posted By: wickedinhere Re: Bo-jo fishing light - 07/22/07 05:02 PM
I have seen all the threads on bug lights and building bug lights. I am interested in the bo-jo light and how people have mounted the lights without using docks not in building my own light.
Posted By: trialsguy Re: Bo-jo fishing light - 07/22/07 05:32 PM

I made mine, that's a SS salad bowl with a fan exhaust motor and a cheap light fixture set up.

It just slays the smaller bugs and sends the better built bugs flying out into the water for the shyer fish to eat
Posted By: wickedinhere Re: Bo-jo fishing light - 07/22/07 05:43 PM
Trialsguy do you run yours all night? If so do they feed all night?
Posted By: trialsguy Re: Bo-jo fishing light - 07/22/07 07:50 PM
No I just run it when ever I am down there. Lately about 3 nights a week sometimes more. 1-2 hours usually, Mostly the FHM are the ones that show and do the most eating of the bugs but when the bigger bugs get whacked into the dark they will get eaten with a splash, they are real shy and I have to think its because of the GBH that frequents my pond. I have taken measures including my new fishing buddy that's sits by the ponds edge 24-7 now, Not near as handsome as Bruce's security guard but he will have to do for now. I would hate to run mine all night at this time of the year, the bug debris would be thick enough to walk on by morning I would think, I only have a 1/4 pond with limited amount of fish to feed right now.
Posted By: Tecohorn Re: Bo-jo fishing light - 07/26/07 08:49 AM
Originally posted by wickedinhere:
Trialsguy do you run yours all night? If so do they feed all night?
I was running mine all night but I noticed after about 2am the amount of bugs went way way down... The first 4 hours of darkness is by far the most active time for bugs at my pond in SE Texas and have since reset my timer..
Posted By: NEDOC Re: Bo-jo fishing light - 07/26/07 12:35 PM
Wicked, I am in my second year with my BoJo. I love it and it seems very durable. I haven't had to do a thing to it since I got it last summer. I see a minimum of 2-3 dozen BG around it each night, and a few bass as well. I leave mine on all night, but am thinking about putting it on a timer because it seems as though the bugs disappear 3-4 hrs after it gets dark.

PS As far as mounting it, I just mounted it on the corner 4x6 of my dock, so I can't help you there.
Posted By: Greg Grimes Re: Bo-jo fishing light - 07/26/07 12:46 PM
we mounted our trial verison on a 4x4 post drove into the pond bottom. Pretty simple for someone who is not mechanicial. I'm very impressed so far. Looks like we will add these to our product list.
Posted By: wickedinhere Re: Bo-jo fishing light - 07/26/07 05:54 PM
Thanks guys, i think i am just going to hang a 4x4 over the pond and bolt it to that. I am going to run mine on a timer from dark till midnight that should be plenty.
Posted By: Bob Hunnicutt Re: Bo-jo fishing light - 07/26/07 07:09 PM
Hello all. I am new here, but I make the bo-jo light. I would encourage you to run the light all night. It only costs one nickel. It attracts fish even when thare are no bugs (like winter) by attracting something like plankton. It looks like salt in the water and gets as thick as smoke in our lake.
Posted By: Greg Grimes Re: Bo-jo fishing light - 07/26/07 10:42 PM
Ewest, COdy, others any thoughts on the "salt" in the water? I suspect phyto/zooplankton being attracted to the light. Mr. Hunnicutt mentinond it to me and if indeed it is zoo's or aquatic insects of some sort bluegill will follow. Another source of attraction. Your thoughts, anyone else observe this at night?
Posted By: Bob Hunnicutt Re: Bo-jo fishing light - 07/26/07 11:34 PM
Greg-Fish (mainly bluegill) love whatever this is. I have wittinesed this at 25 degrees outdoor temp. The fish were literally on top of the water, but moved very lethargic. It appears in summer also, but much harder to see after fertilizer. They just swim around and inhale it.
Posted By: NEDOC Re: Bo-jo fishing light - 07/27/07 12:06 PM
Greg - I have seen the same things. It certainly seems to attract the smaller fish (LMB and BG fry).
Posted By: Bob Hunnicutt Re: Bo-jo fishing light - 07/28/07 12:46 AM
I'm not talking about baitfish, what I saw where 3/4 to 1 pound bluegill. This is common year round when there are no bugs
Posted By: bassmaster61 Re: Bo-jo fishing light - 04/25/19 06:22 PM
For bug lights check out the ad that is always in Pond Boss mag for Fresh-Flo Corp's Bug Lite Fish Feeder. I am tempted to pick one up....it looks well made and easy to mount a number of different ways.

I try to support PB mag advertisers whenever possible. BM61.
Posted By: teehjaeh57 Re: Bo-jo fishing light - 04/25/19 06:58 PM
Originally Posted By: bassmaster61

I try to support PB mag advertisers whenever possible. BM61.

Thank you...I do also. FYI they are kinda fun to watch, but one has to consider whether they are really worth the minuscule nutrients fish derive from insects dropped.
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