Pond Boss
Posted By: Okie Writer More fun than watching the fish feed... - 06/24/09 12:29 PM
...is watching the crawdads feed!! They show up every evening at feeding time and grab their share. We previously had a small creek that carried runoff from upstream when we got heavy rain, and evidently some of the crawdads survived the "big dig" last fall. They are FLOURISHING in their new environment!

Our half-acre pond was dug in September, and we've been extremely dry since. We didn't get enough spring rain to fill the hole...almost all of it came from groundwater. Between first-year saturation and hot, dry weather (we hope that's all it is), we've lost a few feet since the below pics were taken May 5. *sigh* On a brighter note, we bought the property next door, which has a well. As soon as possible, we'll try to gradually start moving well water this way. I hope to someday post pictures of a "pretty" pond. \:\/

Meantime, we'll keep feeding the "baby lobsters" and doing rain dances...

Those are some nice looking mudbugs.
Wow, I like the pier. Nice touch with the lights. I can just picture sitting out there on a warm summer evening sipping iced tea.
Posted By: Tom F Re: More fun than watching the fish feed... - 06/24/09 04:44 PM
Love the pier. It will be a great spot to hand feed your fish once the pond fills.
Posted By: TOM G Re: More fun than watching the fish feed... - 06/24/09 05:44 PM
Someday?Its looking pretty good already.
Jeff...ice tea?
I like that you all called it a pier. I'm going to steal that term.

Until now, we figured it will either be a DECK (if the pond never fills) or a DOCK (once it finally fills). When full, the water level should be about half-way under the deck dock pier.


We stocked CC in April and two kinds of perch a few weeks ago (DH can't remember the species---the Wildlife Department guy gave them to him and said they'd make good fish food.) We'll add LMB this fall---provided we have adequate water. They will LOVE the crawdads!
Posted By: CJBS2003 Re: More fun than watching the fish feed... - 06/24/09 11:57 PM
Man those are some lobsters! Very nice looking pier...
Posted By: ewest Re: More fun than watching the fish feed... - 06/25/09 01:31 AM
Nice looking place. You should find out what went in and how many before you stock LMB.
Posted By: Brettski Re: More fun than watching the fish feed... - 06/25/09 10:47 AM
Yep, really nice package Okie. Nice work.
Question for you: describe the mini-lob feeding event...what do they do?
Brettski: The crawdads are at the edge of the water all times of day but less so during the hot afternoons. We've been baking (100 degrees plus) for over a week now.

When I feed the fish about 7:30 or 8:00 each evening, I rattle the cup. DH says the crawdads don't hear it, but I do it anyway. I may only see a few, but as soon as I rattle the cup and throw fish food down at the water's edge, they come after it! We'll have 20 or more just within view of the dock (deck/pier).

They either "dance" in the water, grabbing wildly for what is overhead with their claws, or they will crawl out onto the bank for it if they have to. Guess I should take a short video of them...it's very fun to watch!

We have all sizes (from 1" up to 6"). We've seen one that is HUGE. We also have an assortment of colors, from light to black.

Posted By: CJBS2003 Re: More fun than watching the fish feed... - 06/26/09 07:59 PM
Your bass are gonna love them when they make it to their new home... I doubt your crawdad buddies will be so bold once bass of a decent size are in your pond.
A 6" crawdad? That is most definitely video-worthy in my book. Of course just a bunch of crawdads leaping after pellet food would be highly entertaining, in my humble opinion.
Posted By: esshup Re: More fun than watching the fish feed... - 06/27/09 02:18 AM
 Originally Posted By: Walt Foreman
A 6" crawdad? That is most definitely video-worthy in my book. Of course just a bunch of crawdads leaping after pellet food would be highly entertaining, in my humble opinion.

Now that is really cool. I also love the whatchumacallit! I looks like you have sodded around the pond. Correct? Good idea.
Posted By: Phatboy Re: More fun than watching the fish feed... - 06/29/09 07:12 PM
My bass would be in heaven if I had crawfish...Mine have to chase perch and frogs around.
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