Pond Boss
Posted By: TripleH $250K Bid for Pond - 11/04/20 11:31 AM
Hello, friends.
I've been lurking and researching for a 2-3 years. Finally got NCRS out, and a year later had a contractor come out to see the site, research the watershed, and submit a bid for a pond around 3.7 acres.

The site is basically a blank slate, relatively flat pasture with no tree clearing and a gradual low spot that gets adequate watershed for the size.

Most of what I read estimated I might be in store for $10-15K per acre -- but might get lucky with a little less. But I had even more in mind, actually, as I only plan to do this once and wanted it done right. The bid, however, came back at $250K -- of which $195K is essentially for the dam. This threw me for a bit of a loop and not sure if I just had it that wrong, or if this bid is just way off the mark. Contractor seems reputable and sincere otherwise.

Sure would appreciate any help ciphering which it might be.

Posted By: Theo Gallus Re: $250K Bid for Pond - 11/04/20 11:55 AM
How much depth will come from the existing slope, and how much will have to be excavated deeper than that? The amount of dirt to be moved/removed makes a big difference in cost.

Other info dirt types will need:
Is there good clay in the basin area? If not, nearby? How far?
Any bedrock issues likely (porous limestone that will need sealed off/ bedrock needing removed)?
Posted By: Dave Davidson1 Re: $250K Bid for Pond - 11/04/20 12:38 PM
Sounds excessive. I would get more than one bid.
Posted By: ewest Re: $250K Bid for Pond - 11/04/20 05:41 PM
Who is the bid from ? Contact Mike Otto (Texas 940-736-5333) and Michael Gray (your area mgrayconstruction@yahoo.com (615) 308-5752).
Posted By: CityDad Re: $250K Bid for Pond - 11/04/20 06:02 PM
Do you have to import the clay?
Posted By: anthropic Re: $250K Bid for Pond - 11/04/20 08:39 PM
How many cubic yards of dirt does he plan on moving?
Posted By: RStringer Re: $250K Bid for Pond - 11/04/20 08:57 PM
You could buy a slightly used D9 dozer for under 125,000$. For them to charge 250,000$ seems way out of line. That's a pretty big pond but still way over priced.
Posted By: Jambi Re: $250K Bid for Pond - 11/04/20 10:08 PM
I had fairly flat blank slate for my 9 acre build, some trees but not many. NCRS estimated 21,000 cubic yards and contractor bid was $4/per. All done and waiting on the rain. Contractor built exactly like the NCRS designed.
Posted By: Zep Re: $250K Bid for Pond - 11/05/20 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by TripleH
The bid, however, came back at $250K - 3.7 acre pond

On the face of it $250K for a 3.7 acre pond seems ridiculous.
I would assume $50-$75K average.
I would get multiple bids...ask around your area...
see a nice pond? stop and ask the owner who built it...and ballpark price they paid

start here and keep investigating:


Posted By: teehjaeh57 Re: $250K Bid for Pond - 11/05/20 09:16 PM
In my experience TN pond construction is 3+ times the cost here in NE due to geology - lot's of native rock with which to deal. I've dealt with several TN clients for pond sealing and it's not uncommon to learn they spent $50k spent on 1 acre pond construction - pretty shocking. Almost every one of Michael Gray's Pond Boss articles discuss drilling rock so maybe they are just much more labor intensive - but yes, get competitive bids for sure!
Posted By: John Fitzgerald Re: $250K Bid for Pond - 11/05/20 10:15 PM
Three acre pond here would probably cost about 35k, if the ground is fairly open and not too steep.
Posted By: TGW1 Re: $250K Bid for Pond - 11/09/20 12:25 PM
I know you said the cost is mostly for the dam, but why is the dam so costly, did he explain why the cost is so high? How deep is the pond going to be? Any chance reducing the ponds depth would take alot of bucks off the dam?
Posted By: Dave_IA Re: $250K Bid for Pond - 11/09/20 07:39 PM
I am a long ways from being an expert in this area, but I think several people have already given you good advice...get some other bids. That being said...here in Iowa I have seen some pretty dramatic cost swings on say a 2 acre pond...depending on "things". Things like whether the soil will hold water, how the land laid before the pond was started, etc, etc. Add up these "things" and a $30K pond on one site could cost 2 or 3 times that just a county away.

The only way you will know for sure is to get other pricing.
Posted By: gehajake Re: $250K Bid for Pond - 11/09/20 08:33 PM
Did I understand you correctly, the NRCS designed this pond? if so they will have a really close estimate on the amount of yards of materials will need to be moved and also the soil type, and whether they anticipate any rock encounter, that would be the only reason that I can think that would increase the cost dramatically, but the whole thing sounds way over double what that would go for in this area.
Posted By: Bob Lusk Re: $250K Bid for Pond - 11/11/20 08:37 PM
Did you ask the contractor to break down the bid and tell you how he got there?
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