Hello, I am in Tennesee. My area is roughly 20 inches below normal, in terms of rainfall. I have a pond that I've repaired and been waiting for rainfall to fill up. It has a small spring that runs maybe 20 or 30 gallons per minute in the wet months and maybe four gallons a minute in the dry months, in a typical year. Right now, because of droubt conditions, it is barely running, maybe a half gallon per minute.

If we are 20 inches below normal, how much rain will it take to replentish the water table? Will it take one 5 inch flood? Or will it take a full 20 inches? This is new to me. Old timers I know have never seen a drought like this. Any water table experts advice or good ole country boy experience is appreciated.

It is a problem in the entire southeastern United States. It is something we are not used to. Even 90 year old men haven't had experience around here.


Last edited by Robinson; 10/18/07 11:58 AM.

Robinson, PI (Politically Incorrect, of Course)