The bluegill we've been discussing are now age-1 (67 weeks) and fully capable of reproduction. I can also identify with virtual certainly male vs. female characteristics. These fish have pulled off a monumental spawn in a lined pond. Go figure.

I caught, by angling, 30 of the 100 that were put in the lined pond and put them in a larger 450 gallon tank. I hope to eventually return at least 80 of the fish indoors to fatten up over the winter.

I'll get some good pictures of the fish if any one is interested. I weighed and measured eight of the fish and found the following averages:

202 mm was the average length

250 g. was the average weight

The average Wr is 137

I thought this was really good growth for this point in their development.

The largest fish was 214 mm and weighed 316 g. This yielded a Wr of 140.

The fish with the highest Wr was 190 mm and 247 g for a Wr of 162. This is the highest Wr I've ever seen.

The lightest fish I caught weighed 170 g.

Holding a redear sunfish is like running with scissors.