Thanks Bill, I was thinking golden shiners but would rather have the perch. The discussion seems to indicate great difficulty due to the tendency for perch to over graze and overpopulate. I don't mind the intensive management. When this pond is completed in late summer it will be a sterile sand pit. Adding brush is no problem because we just logged the area two years ago and have plenty of trees available. The SMB dominant/few walleye/perch/fathead situation sounds great to me. Two questions from your post: where can I get the papershell crayfish and what early season submergent would you recommend?

If I understand correctly the order of events sould be 1)finish pond August 03, 2)Fall 03, plant fatheads and crayfish, 3) Spring 04 plant perch and rooted plants 4) will we be ready to plant SMB walleye in Fall 04 or wait for additional perch spawn?