No problem Bruce, the type of scuds in his wetland are probably limited to the types whose eggs are dessicant resistant since his wetland does goe dry periodically. Only some species of scuds lay eggs that can survive drought conditions. Doug is talking with some of the entemologists he works with, one of whom is a very avid BG fly fisherman, the biggest scuds he has seen in NE were in the Loup river which are 3/4" long. \:\) Doug also thinks it wouldn't be very hard to develop a mass production protocal for scuds once a particualr variety has been selected. He is going to talk with a guy that developed a protocal for raising stable flys in large quantities for research. It might be as simple as getting a dozen scuds and using a fine mesh blocking net along the edge of the pond to get them to reproduce in large numbers. A trough or tank could also work too in raising scuds. For me there is lots to learn before getting started though.