This evening I hooked up my rough cut mower to the Mule and backed down the bank many times to remove the weeds, willows, etc. that are in the area where the barge and accessories will be located. I cut a 50 foot wide area down to the water so I will have plenty of room to work.

I have to admit that the sound of the rough cut blades getting in the water is a sound I have never experienced. Water is a powerful thing. When the blades start churning water you know it is time to pull out and take a new bite or a restart of the mower will be in order.

Even after all of the racket I made on the bank and waters edge, as I was observing my handiwork, I saw hundreds of fish. The smaller ones will not be apparent in these photos, but......

Life is Good on Bremer Pond

Bremer Pond Weather