My family went down to north Padre this weekend and I thought I'd share some pics of some great times. It stormed off and on but we had a blast. We go out with the same guide every time we go but this time we had to work hard for our fish. Inbetween storms we had to hide under the overhangs of the fishing camps in the middle of the bay. We were fishing at the mouth of Baffin Bay with 4 inch live croaker and no weight, just a hook and shock leader. We caught several throwbacks and 8 keepers each day(speckled trout). Our guide got a new racing style bayboat that was by far the fastest bayboat I have ever seen. We cruised at 65 thru the intercoastal and passed other boats like they were standing still. Notice the forked cat front, air scoops on the Mercury alien 300 and lowwww cockpit and passenger profile. He said he could do 90 low on fuel and by himself. It also had a grasshopper style power pole that was a anchor pole for water to 6' deep. Very cool for running from storms and quick starts and stops. When the surf was churned up and full of seaweed we caught several whiting as my girl nicely displays, but the nice day when the water was clear as a bell there wasn't a bite in the surf. Dang I love it down there.