It's pretty easy to fix rivets. Ya need a buddy, a maul, a ball peen and some beer...ok, so the last ingredient is optional, but it might be easier to find ingredient #1 if #4 is handy.

Have buddy inside boat with maul. Start at one rivet (agree on where to start first) and have him/her hold the maul directly on the leaky rivet, while you "peen" the bottom side with the hammer.

Do one then yell, "next one to your right" or some such thing. It doesn't take long at all...we did the last one (14' Xwide, Xdeep) in maybe an hour.

Pretty simple, and fairly easy. You can have the maul on the outside, but it's far harder to hold the dang thing UP against the hull then down...

In a lifetime, the average driver will honk 15,250 times. My wife figures I'm due to die any day now...