A buddy of mine was going off for a little weekend fling and decided to tell his wife he was going fishing. He was busy getting his fishing tackle ready so his wife would not suspect anything and she offered to help him pack. "Well, you could pack my clothes for me. I want my fishing pants and favorite shirt and fishing vest. Oh, by the way, I really like to sleep well when I am away so would you pack those red silk pajamas for me?" Off he goes for the weekend. When he returns his wife ask him how the fishing was. "Fishing was pretty bad, did not catch anything. I tried every lure I had and they would not bite on anything. Oh, by the way, I didn't sleep well. I could not find those pajamas I asked you to pack and just couldn't get any rest. Why didn't you pack the pajamas?" His wife responded, "But I did pack them." Then he said "I looked everywhere, where did you put them?".

"In your Tackle Box".


"I love living. I have some problems with my life, but living is the best thing they've come up with so far." � Neil Simon,