My pond is about 2 years old, 3/4-1 acre, about 14 feet at the damn and kind of in a ravine. I have a 3 year contract with the USDA. It will be up after this november, It has not yet been stocked, but the coppernose will be put in it this Wednesday. I was thinking that in the future, maybe a year or two, i could increase the size of the pond a good bit by only raising the dam slightly and the spillway due to the gradual sloping of the upper(shallow) end. I can probably almost double the size(mostly length) of my pond with only about 2-3 feet of increased damn height. the side banks are very steep and have plenty of height above the present water line to hold alot more water. I guess the only issues are if the added dirt on top of the damn can be made to hold, and the possible problem of adding more fish for the increased size of the pond. Any info will be greatly appreciated. Thanks
