Yeah, you work much harder (is that work?) than I do! I love the article and what you do for the CSBG! I'm wondering when we're going to see them over 3 lbs!

What are anyones thoughts on doing a little creative experiment (I'm game for learning something - and with this size pond I don't see much risk).. I've tried my best to think this though with all that I've learned on PB..

Here's what I'm thinking:

-BG/RES (with feeding)
-Smallmouth in limited numbers to control some small BG
-Female only LMB to eat what's left (after 12 months)
-other forage (FHM, TS, and Tilapia might be supplemental stocking?)

The thought would be good panfishing, as enough large ones should be able to make it... fun light tackle SMB that should be able to get to decent size. They shouldn't control the BG, so the fLMB would be there and I'd hope to grow a couple really large female LMB (isn't 1/2 the fun growing them?) without the fear of their overpopulation. I wouldn't harvest the SMB or LMB and understand it would be put & take... I'd harvest SMB if they recruit and survive predation from the fLMB and look like they're going to get out of control.

Seems like this would last a while, and I could add more female LMB if needed - or remove if needed.

Is this logical?? any thoughts?