n8ly "Thanks everybody for the input. GREG, i am especially interested in picking your brain (no offense to everybody else) . Do you enjoy electroshocking? Where did you get your training? Where did you get your boat? Do you stay busy?"

1. Yes probably my favorite part of the business.
2. UGA Masters in Fisheries, Intern with state DNR, MOSTLY trial and error with our equipment and reading alot about how it is "supposed" to work.
3.Shock unit for first baot from Smith-Root 2.5 GPP built boat. 2nd one Univ Wisconsin box with purchaseed locally generator and made boat. Third being built this winter.
4. Luckily very much so.

Lou.. other thing is the state just does a basic test. We also conduct the same seine surveys where elctrofishing is not feasible. We do not simply say blanced or unbalanced but to what degree, we couple it with rod and reel for bass and run Wr. So the results of seine and electro should if interpreted properly come to same conclusions just limited by seine more than electro, make sense?

Price is $500 plus mileage plus extra for larger than 20 acres. This includes shock, weed id, water quality, basic dam inspection, report with rec. on harvest, stocking feeding, fertilization, wed control and fish habitat. I think this is very fair and honestly might have to go a up a little. The time it takes collecting data and generating report plus wear on equipment is not the best money maker. However it usually leads to other sales and that from a businees stand point is the good part.

Cody I agree with you on fish avoiding shock. Folks want us to remove stunted bass for instance. If we do not get them on first pass you might as well just forget it. the succes of shocking the same preferred area second go around nets less than 10% of fish from couple hours earlier. Also Ray Scott said " Boy I tell you tht boat does not look like much but you shocked up more forage fish than any of the other consultants." I think it was b.c the current was little diff than the "norm" for his pond that he shcoks several times per year so fish might have been fooled?

Last Yes Theo I think you are correct paying Pro for interp. of results. there is another company here in ATL. They went out and got the top of the line SMith-Root boat. However I saw the report and Man let me tell you you guys would have seen right thru the BS. They got some good fish but made rec. to release all bass back under 14 inches when Wr was 78% for bass less than 14 inches with quality bass as goal set. So Yes you are paying for what they tell you more than collection process.

Greg Grimes