ive been using 5-6lbs per acre. had a perrty good infestation of FA{30-40% of pond} early in the season so i was using 8lbs for my 1.62 arce pond every 10-15 days when water cleared above 20 inches trying to keep the banks an shallows darken to slow down the spreading of the FA. Had spurts of FA growing up from bottom in 3-4 ft of water. i was told to mix 1 qt of cutrine plus with 1 qt of reward to 10 gals of water then spray 1/4 of pond with all that then wait a week an do same on next 1/4 until all is gone. i spot sprayed the FA around banks an mainly waited for the weather an grass carps to get it under control. now im seeing a little what looks like bluegreen alge but im afraid to spay until water settles bacd down to normal. i used some straight copper sulfate last year an it turned the whole pond blue an had a major fish kill so kinda cautious now about spraying now. the mixture of cutrine plus/reward did same thing aound the bank when i spot sprayed with it, is this normal?