I have three main ways for water to enter my lake.

The first culvert is 15 inches, and as of right now, is handling the bulk of the water. My thinking this is because I've cleared most of the land above it and this is causing more water to runoff.

My next culvert is 18 inches and it's not getting as much water through it. It has twice the number of acres for watershed, but it's just not happening. I expect this to change quite a bit when I finish clearing my land and shaping the dirt.

The third entry for water is through an open trench that runs along the border of my land. It will pull some watershed off my land, but it will pull dozens and dozens of acres off my neighbors land. Or at least, that's the plan.

You can also see my shoreline road in the above picture. This is what stops the water from runnign directly into the lake. When the runoff hits the road, it then follows along the road to one of the culverts.


Lake Marabou http://www.pondboss.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=139488&fpart=1

It's not how many ideas you have, but how many you make happen.

3/4 and 4 acre ponds.