
You'll get lengthier replies later, but here's a quick message…Sounds like all your ideas are good ones based on proven methods. Constructing ridges, humps and islands are all important for fish habitat. The lilly pads will add shade for those hot summers. The steeper grade in the banks is always a good idea. You do want some shollow flats (1-2 feet deep) for smaller forage fish. You can place heavier structure in these areas to give them even more protection. At 4 acres in size, add a few gravel beds for bluegill spawns. For bass do the same gravel beds, but in deeper water (2-3 feet).

Consider keeping a certain area of the lake free of structure for safe swimming.

The deeper holes are good too, but unless you plan on aerating, don't make them too deep. If they are so deep that the oxygen level isn't sufficient then you haven't accomplished your goal. Without aeration, 7-9 feet is about as deep as you'd want to go. With aeration you can go further down.

Sounds like you've done your homework. Now comes the fun stuff! Good luck and enjoy the hard work.

0.6 acre pond / 13' max depth / Bonham, TX