Thanks for your interest! I sent you a message this evening.

Bobad - Your message Saturday pretty much nailed it right on the head. The sand got really thick right before he hit the gravel. Also, I didn't see the gravel hole until Saturday morning. That's when I saw it half full of water and I thought - uh-oh! Easy come easy go?

Eastland - Man! Like Sunil said, you painted a damn good picture! Unfortunately, I only have 17 acres. I gotta leave at least part of it to build a house and yard on or my wife would kill me! ;\)

My first and only pond doesn't even have water in it yet and I'm already dreaming about expanding it or connecting it to a second one.

I almost couldn't sleep the other night thinking about "what lies beneath" ... the clay.

I'm glad all of you experts were there to give me advice and let me know I made the right decision.

Thanks! I'll post a message later this week showing the start to finish of my pond.