ML :

Talked to Gary Garrett today. Greg is right he is very nice and went over some of his work over the phone. He has been out of the office. I went over this discussion and ask him to look for your email , visit the forum and post on the topic as per your email. He indicated he would like to look at the forum and would add his comments. With that said I will wait a few days to see what happens . I would rather let him tell us what he thinks rather than me try to repeat what he told me. If no response occurs then I will try to get his message posted as per my memory. If you want to go over in mean time call or email me. ewest

DS :

What are your goals ? If you want better catch rates and it was my decision, which it is not ,I would add another 10 lbs fatheads another 1000 CNBG/RE ( 1-3 in) and 100 4-6 in.( same year class as LMB you put in recently) northern strain LMB. It is not to late to do this this fall. You can even do it later with larger nort. LMB, but now is ,in my opinion the better time to try to balance the % , before the first LMB spawn. But depending on your goals you may be in good shape as is.