Originally Posted by FishinRod
Loaded up all of my fire suppression gear for a burn tomorrow. I have filled all of my tanks and tested all of my pumps.

However, the forecast has changed and we are going to have a hard freeze tonight (23F).

I have several ATV sprayer tanks in my arsenal that have 12V electric diaphragm pumps. These are the same type of pumps typically used for pressurizing the water delivery lines in RVs.

Does anyone know if these pumps will suffer freeze damage if I drain the water from the outlet side - but there is still water on the inlet side? (I am not worried about damage to my tanks since I leave a little air gap and it is currently 43F.)

Would a wiser man go out and drain everything and then re-fill everything again in the morning?

Thanks, FishinRod

I would either bring them inside where they won't freeze, drain them 100% or suck RV anti-freeze through them. Don't forget the spray wand, I've had the part that you hold in your hand where the trigger attaches crack when it froze.......

I just run RV anti-freeze through mine until it sprays pink and I put them away for the winter.


3/4 to 1 1/4 ac pond LMB, SMB, PS, BG, RES, CC, YP, Bardello BG, (RBT & Blue Tilapia - seasonal).