Originally Posted by gehajake
The conibear trap is very effective and I found the beavers to be really easy to predict and trap, I havent had as much luck with otters.
You will need to get the tool to set them, then leave the safety hooks installed till everything is in place the way you want it then reach in with the tool and unhook them.
You might be the professional before you know it! Good Luck!

Good advice about the safety hooks. Add to that self locking trap setters, and it makes the process much easier, and safer. Esshup got me started years ago, and now I can pretty much trap whatever I need to. I use snares in tall grass, and conibears on hut entrances and slides. Beavers, nutria, and otters all fall to conibears if set correctly.

If you're knowledgeable and respectful of the traps, then go for it. If you're tentative or uncomfortable using it, then don't do it yourself. As was said, tons of info on YouTube.