Originally Posted by canyoncreek
I'm shocked Dergib that you didn't catch any YP. For me they are the most reliable to bite on most anything but usually corn, worms, or I grab a snail from the shallows, take off the shell and that is DEADLY bait for perch (probably the most smelly thing you can find in the pond too)

It would be cool to see an osprey, but I can see where you don't want them harvesting all your fish either.

I planted the 20 stalks of pickerel weed in two bunches one on each side of the pond. I fenced around them to keep ducks and turtles away. They must not like my soil as they just sat there and looked depressed and droopy the rest of the fall. They never really perked up or turned green. They didn't really die either. Then in cold they kind of hit the dirt. I'm hoping come spring the root or bulb or whatever is under the ground will wake up and push up some new growth. I think it will be awhile before these take off if they do so I may want to replant some more clusters here and there around the pond in the spring.
Good to know. I'm hoping to plant about 30 of those and 30 arrow arun this year. Want to well the wood ducks around and hopefully keep the phragmites down some.