The plan did call for exploring for field tiles and removing them, but I don't think it gave specific instructions on how to do this. This wetland was constructed for me in lieu of paying me for land where they constructed a mitigation wetland. The mitigation wetland also leaks badly but has a fair amount of seasonal inflow. We actually saw where one tile was draining the mitigation wetland while they were constructing it and they broke the tile inside the wetland and brought in a truck and poured concrete on it. I honestly don't think anyone knew what they were doing, but it still provides wildlife habitat even though multiple tiles drain it during dry spells. It has no emergency spillway either, but rather runs over the dam/berm right where the exit pipe is during flooding events. Lots of erosion and eventually it will likely breach the dam in this spot. At that point, maybe I'll see if I can get permission to fix it right myself...

Last edited by RAH; 07/16/23 05:39 AM.