
Impressive news on the BG! Also glad to hear that your water levels are about perfect.

Did want to pass along a note about your dead trees. It is much safer to cut fresh trees compared to old, rotted trees in unknown condition.

Cutting rotten trees gives you surprises - which are NOT enjoyable when running the chainsaw besides 10 tons of elevated mass.

I have rotted trees being knocked down by wind storms and some get hung up on other old trees. Those are a hazard to have on your property and I know you have kids and grandkids on the loose.

I can't remember if you clear your own trees? If so, maybe fell a few of the fire-kill trees when you clear your dam. If you hire out your cutting, maybe get a bid for the fire-kill trees when the person clears your dam. He might take some firewood as partial payment?

IMO, it is much better to cut those trees now and wedge them to fall in your preferred location compared to letting them decay and have the wind pick when and where they fall!